This day is all about Glory. She doesn't try to get me to tug with her as often as she used to and I'd completely forgotten what I was supposed to be celebrating today. But this morning she brought me two different toys to tug on. She really doesn't want either of us to win... it's all about the tugging. And I spent more time than I normally would, still without realizing what the day was. It was perfect and I'm glad we both got a little extra exercise (her teeth are mighty strong!).
I tutored Thomas again this afternoon and although it was still a struggle, I had some games prepared with cards and dice to help with his addition math facts. I inserted the games between work sheets and it seemed to go pretty well. Although I admit that 45 minutes after he first comes home from school is probably the best I can do. And I can't blame him. His recess is after lunch so I know he's wound up when school's out. He starts getting homework next week and then at least we'll have a goal. He's really a sweet kid, just more hyper than most. I can do this.
It's now 2017 and after almost seven years of daily blogging, I'm now writing only once a week, on Sundays. Stop by anytime!
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
International Cabernet Sauvignon Day
I did this day up right. Went to Costco this morning and bought two big bottles for the house. Then this afternoon I went to happy hour with Mary Helen's two best friends from high school. We all had martinis and then a glass of cab. Patti and her husband live in Heritage Grand as does Denise's mom. And Denise lives in the next subdivision over. This was probably the most fun I've had since moving here because their lifestyles are more in line with mine. We're planning on learning to play mahjong together and hoping that Mary will be able to join us sometime. Then when I came home I sat outside with the dogs and had another glass of cab since I knew I shouldn't take them for a walk due to the previous libations I'd had. Smart move on my part if you ask me.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Back to Work Day
As this year stretches on, I've made up another day all my own. I started tutoring Thomas again this afternoon. He's a third grader now and his dad is working out of town three days a week, so I'm going to his house (for an extra $10 an hr). This won't be easy because his younger brother is there as well as the housekeeper and the distractions are more numerous than at my house. He didn't have homework today so we started again on his math facts, which he still doesn't know from 1st grade. And although I've encouraged it repeatedly, his parents do not practice with him. I'll be going two days a week and this will definitely try my patience, but the rewards (monetary and otherwise) outweigh the negatives, for now. I'm sure I'll get back to you on this.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
GoTopless Day
I'm sitting here at my computer totally topless and I'm not posting a photo for obvious reasons. You're welcome.
The map at left, called the Boob Map, shows the places in the world where topless celebrations are being held today. Apparently it's not legal everywhere that's shown. GoTopless Day always falls on the Sunday closest to Women's Equality Day, August 26, because on that day in 1920 women earned the right to vote. And I can't lie... I'm not one bit comfortable like this and the second I hit Publish, the top goes back on. And that would be now.
The map at left, called the Boob Map, shows the places in the world where topless celebrations are being held today. Apparently it's not legal everywhere that's shown. GoTopless Day always falls on the Sunday closest to Women's Equality Day, August 26, because on that day in 1920 women earned the right to vote. And I can't lie... I'm not one bit comfortable like this and the second I hit Publish, the top goes back on. And that would be now.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Just Because Day
This is a day to do something "just because." So here's how mine turned out. I'm going to play Trivia tonight at the clubhouse and everyone brings an appetizer or dessert to share. Usually there are about 100 people there and I'm not happy to report that I've fallen into the group of folks who buy something to bring. So yesterday I bought some bakery cookies from the grocery store. Then last night for dinner I cooked pasta to have with Shirley's homemade marinara sauce with her tomatoes. I decided to taste it before I poured it over the pasta and was really glad that I did because it was way too spicy for me. So then I googled appetizer recipes using marinara and discovered baked goat cheese with marinara sauce. Not only did it have only three ingredients, it was super easy to make. So I'm getting ready to put it in the oven and then faced the dilemma of what do do with the cookies. Of course I could take them as well, but in order to celebrate the day, I decided to keep them... just because. How about them apples?
Friday, August 26, 2016
Dog Day
This is what I see every night at dinner time. God love 'em, they're both so patient and polite (now that they're older) and know whatever's coming is gonna be good. That's because they each get a tiny bite of what's left of my dinner before they get their own. I never fed any of my dogs people food until Mom moved in and then it was a lost cause. Not only would she intentionally drop food on the floor, but as dementia began rearing it's ugly head, she'd put her whole plate on the floor if I wasn't watching. From that point there was no turning back. But as long as their weight isn't out of control, I'm okay with it. And how could I not be with those two sweet faces? Don't know what I'd do without these babies. Happy Dog Day to both of them!
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Permanent Teeth Day
Okay, this one isn't real, but who cares whatever zany national day this is... I'm excited because after three long months, I got my PERMANENT TEETH this morning! I truly didn't believe this day would ever come and then was worried that I wouldn't be happy with how they looked. Well, it came, and I'm very happy. If my hair looked better I'd post a picture, but it's very humid here, so maybe in the next few days. I asked when I could eat an apple and was told an hour after I left. But I'm still a little wary of that and have trained myself not to bite into anything, so will probably just start with chips and work up from there. It's a great day!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Pluto Demoted Day
It was in 2006 when the world as I knew it came crashing down. That's when Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet rather than a planet. So what would school children learn instead of My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles? That mneumonic served me well growing up and I even taught it to my math students. But I relaxed once I realized that My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos would work just us well. Actually that's the one I came up with... who knows what they really use (if they do it at all anymore).
Time for Glory's annual checkup today and although I tried mightily to get out of the house without Simon, including lots of tossed treats, he wasn't having any of it. Apparently car rides trump treats... who knew? So into the car we all piled. The good news is that I got out of the vet for only $138, but the bad news is that she needs her teeth cleaned, which will be close to 300. We'll save that for September.
Time for Glory's annual checkup today and although I tried mightily to get out of the house without Simon, including lots of tossed treats, he wasn't having any of it. Apparently car rides trump treats... who knew? So into the car we all piled. The good news is that I got out of the vet for only $138, but the bad news is that she needs her teeth cleaned, which will be close to 300. We'll save that for September.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Goat Cheese Month
Sorry, but just couldn't celebrate Sponge Cake Day, so went with the goat cheese just because I love it. I had lunch with Roy and Parmesan crusted goat cheese was on the menu. It sounded delicious, but came with pita chips and sadly, I'm still not able to bite into chips due to my dental issues (which will be resolved for good on Thursday). So I stopped at the store on the way home and bought some crumbles. I had leftover edamame pasta, which I don't recommend, with spinach and salmon. I sprinkled the goat cheese over the pasta, which helped considerably. Sometimes I just gotta make lemonade out of those lemons.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Be an Angel Day
This wasn't my best celebration, but I did participate. On our morning walk, I put my neighbor's paper by his door, as I do every morning because he saves the sleeves for me to use for dog poop. So that might not count, but then this evening I walked by a house that had two newspapers in their driveway, so I moved them both up by the garage. And I sent a heartfelt note with photos to Greg, Shirley, and Sally to thank them for our little excursion. Shirley and I have had some recent trials and tribulations, but I wanted her to know how happy I was to be back together. We've been best friends for over 40 years and I'm thrilled that we've resolved our differences. This weekend was just like the old days and I'm really looking forward to seeing her again.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Senior Citizens Day
These guys aren't senior citizens, but they're owned by two of my favorite senior citizens... Shirley and Greg. We visited these little piggies and the chicken coop where I scored a dozen eggs, although I have to wash the poop off. After a great lunch on Toledo Bend Lake at a restaurant similar to the Red Apple in Heber Springs, Sally and I headed home. It was a short trip but lots of fun and I plan on returning soon. Shirley sent us both home with a cucumber, homemade marinara sauce made from their tomatoes, a jar of pickles made from their cucumbers, and potato salad with homegrown basil and eggs. I always knew Shirley was a great cook, but had no idea of her abilities as a gardener. It was Green Acres all over again!
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Radio Day
Sally and I drove to Many, LA this morning and listened to Sirius radio all the way here. Not real sure how you're supposed to celebrate Radio Day but I think that works.
And ever since we've gotten here we've had fun. Shirley and Greg have a beautiful new home and after a delicious lunch of tomato pie and egg salad lettuce wraps (homegrown tomatoes and eggs from their chickens) we got on four wheelers and ventured around the area. We ended up at what they call the man cave which is a great meeting area for their many family members and we drank keg beer and played cards. Then back to the homestead where Greg grilled steaks and we shared some amazing wine that cousin Kevin gave me many months ago. Sally knew it was a good wine and googled it only to learn there was a bottle selling on eBay for $225. Luckily we'd already opened it or I'd have taken it back home to sell. Anyway, it was delicious as was the whole dinner. I'll definitely be back and plan on staying longer. There's just nothing better than old friends!
And ever since we've gotten here we've had fun. Shirley and Greg have a beautiful new home and after a delicious lunch of tomato pie and egg salad lettuce wraps (homegrown tomatoes and eggs from their chickens) we got on four wheelers and ventured around the area. We ended up at what they call the man cave which is a great meeting area for their many family members and we drank keg beer and played cards. Then back to the homestead where Greg grilled steaks and we shared some amazing wine that cousin Kevin gave me many months ago. Sally knew it was a good wine and googled it only to learn there was a bottle selling on eBay for $225. Luckily we'd already opened it or I'd have taken it back home to sell. Anyway, it was delicious as was the whole dinner. I'll definitely be back and plan on staying longer. There's just nothing better than old friends!
Friday, August 19, 2016
International Orangutan Day
To recognize the most iconic victim of the palm oil industry, this day was created to raise awareness of what's being caused by deforestation in order to grow oil palm trees. I actually first learned about this in watching Grace and Frankie on Netflix. Frankie, played by Lily Tomlin, invented a lube (yes, that kind of lube) which was ready to be manufactured until she learned her recipe had been altered to include palm oil. Her character is quite the aging hippie and so she was devastated to learn that palm oil was necessary to lower costs. So she gave up her chance at millions to save the forests which are a natural habitat for orangutans. Can't say that I blame her much because they're pretty darned cute, except for those nasty little butts.
Since I'll be gone this weekend I visited Brianna this morning and we just talked instead of coloring. She told me about all the abuse she's suffered in her short life and it's just infuriating. No child should have to endure what she's been through and if she makes it past this, I'll be amazed, although sadly, I'll never know. But of the three girls I've mentored since I started this, I really believe she's got the best shot. Unlike the other two, she has such a sweet and basically happy personality. We talked about safe sex, birth control, and so many other things. We just might have to put the coloring aside more often.
Since I'll be gone this weekend I visited Brianna this morning and we just talked instead of coloring. She told me about all the abuse she's suffered in her short life and it's just infuriating. No child should have to endure what she's been through and if she makes it past this, I'll be amazed, although sadly, I'll never know. But of the three girls I've mentored since I started this, I really believe she's got the best shot. Unlike the other two, she has such a sweet and basically happy personality. We talked about safe sex, birth control, and so many other things. We just might have to put the coloring aside more often.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Ice Cream Pie Day
I had lunch with the Lyons sisters, Kitty, and Kay to celebrate Cathy and Kay's birthdays. It's always such a treat to be with them and today was no exception. Federal Grill did not have ice cream pie, but we ordered the giant chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on top and I spread it around to look like a pie. There were six of us and we also had three other desserts. We just keep passing them around the table until they're gone and I'm afraid Kay and I got the lions' share (pun intended).
I got home at 2:30 and then met Patti at 4:00 for martinis. Fortunately I had to be home by 5:30 to meet the new dog sitter, so I only had one. Then the sitter canceled until tomorrow, but i'm still glad I came home early. Sally and I are headed to Many, LA on Saturday to spend the night with Shirley and Greg and then back home on Sunday. Should be fun!
I got home at 2:30 and then met Patti at 4:00 for martinis. Fortunately I had to be home by 5:30 to meet the new dog sitter, so I only had one. Then the sitter canceled until tomorrow, but i'm still glad I came home early. Sally and I are headed to Many, LA on Saturday to spend the night with Shirley and Greg and then back home on Sunday. Should be fun!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Thrift Shop Day
I seriously cheated today, but it worked for me. I didn't go to a thrift shop exactly, more like a thrifty shop called Costco. Hands down it's my favorite place to shop and my staples there are fresh spinach, wine, rotisserie chicken, and almonds. I went immediately after yoga at 10 because any later and there crowds who get in my way.
And now about the rain. Granted, we have had nothing like the Baton Rouge area and my prayers go out to those people and what they're dealing with. But here's an example of how much we've had. I filled that big plastic pot with rocks on the bottom, then plastic recyclables, and the plant on the left on the top. I learned this with Google so that I don't have to fill the whole pot with soil and it's not too heavy to move around. I've had this for almost two years and this is a first. I drilled holes in the bottom of it before filling, but there's been so much rain over the last few days that it can't drain fast enough. So the pot was pushed onto the ground as the plastics all floated to the top. Talk about a mosquito love nest! I'll probably have to unload it, drain, and refill tomorrow... or Friday or whenever. Might as well wait till the rains subside. The pups and I may not even get out for our evening walk, but it's only 6:30 so here's hoping.
And now about the rain. Granted, we have had nothing like the Baton Rouge area and my prayers go out to those people and what they're dealing with. But here's an example of how much we've had. I filled that big plastic pot with rocks on the bottom, then plastic recyclables, and the plant on the left on the top. I learned this with Google so that I don't have to fill the whole pot with soil and it's not too heavy to move around. I've had this for almost two years and this is a first. I drilled holes in the bottom of it before filling, but there's been so much rain over the last few days that it can't drain fast enough. So the pot was pushed onto the ground as the plastics all floated to the top. Talk about a mosquito love nest! I'll probably have to unload it, drain, and refill tomorrow... or Friday or whenever. Might as well wait till the rains subside. The pups and I may not even get out for our evening walk, but it's only 6:30 so here's hoping.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Rum Day
So here's a funny story. We had coloring this afternoon so I thought I'd ask someone there if they had any rum so I could have a little to bring home and make a run and coke. Problem is... I don't like rum and coke. Matters not, that was the plan. So as we discussed it, one woman (Mary Helen's high school friend) said she had rum and I was welcome to it. But as time progressed, some of us decided to go to a bar after coloring so I could order a rum drink and they would all have wine. So four of us went to Bonefish Grill only to learn that at happy hour during the moth of August, their martinis are $5. And they weren't made with cheap vodka. So we all ordered a dirty martini and I was going to order one rum drink afterwards for us to share. Well, since it was after 5 at that point we decided to order some heavy appetizers, but quickly realized that martinis really don't go with food. So then we all ordered a glass of wine and finished the martinis before the wine came. After we ate our food I realized I still hadn't had any rum. So the bartender suggested a watermelon martini made with rum, although it had never been done before. At that point we were all game so he did it and we all had a sip. Yuck! A reaction we all shared, so I wasn't charged for it. And that was my sip of rum for National Rum Day. The lengths I go to for this damn blog. Just kidding... only four months to go!
Monday, August 15, 2016
Cupcake Day
Actually it's National Relaxation Day, but since Lazy Day was just last Wednesday and I really needed to go to my exercise class this morning, I searched high and low to find Cupcake Day. It was actually created by the Royal Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to raise money and is only celebrated in England. Hell, I don't care... any excuse to buy a cupcake works for me. The bakery I went to (after class) only had giant cupcakes and minis, so I fought my impulses and bought a mini. But as I was waiting in line, I noticed chocolate cupcake truffles. I do my worst decision making while waiting to check out of almost anyplace and obviously there are lots of us based on the items leading up to the cashier. So of course I got both, rationalizing it by the fact that I only got a mini cupcake and I'd just been to aerobics class. And I'm telling you now... they were both outstanding and I have no regrets (until I step on the scale tomorrow).
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Creamsicle Day
I'm not sure if creamsicles and Dreamsicles are the same thing, but I made that assumption. And I don't know if you can still even buy a Dreamsicle, but I did the second best thing I know. I made a Dreamsicle smoothie. Ingredients: one orange, two frozen bananas, 1 cup almond milk, and a little vanilla. It's delicious and is one of my staples.
I went back to Krause today to see Brianna so we could color since she enjoys it so much. I took this picture I made to show her and of course, she wanted to try it, too. She didn't finish hers (remember I said it took longer than I expected), but she'll work on it again next time. And she was thrilled. Thanks again, Karen!
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Celebrate Your Lakes Day
This would have been easier were I still in Heber Springs because Greers Ferry Lake was absolutely beautiful. But this little lake (and it's bigger than the pic shows) is in my neighborhood and is one of our daily walking trails. The greatest thing about it is sidewalks all the way around versus walking in the woods in Heber. And at my age, sidewalks are good.
Today was Family Day at Krause House and Brianna wanted me to come since she basically has no family nearby. I've been happy to learn that her grandpa in San Antonio is willing to take her when her time at Krause is done. Anyway, we played games, watched a movie, and just visited this afternoon. But I promised her I'd be back tomorrow so we can color quietly by ourselves. She's such a sweetie!
Today was Family Day at Krause House and Brianna wanted me to come since she basically has no family nearby. I've been happy to learn that her grandpa in San Antonio is willing to take her when her time at Krause is done. Anyway, we played games, watched a movie, and just visited this afternoon. But I promised her I'd be back tomorrow so we can color quietly by ourselves. She's such a sweetie!
Friday, August 12, 2016
Middle Child Day
So here we are... the two middle children in the Frank Wiggins family. I'm afraid Charles got the brunt of the "middle child syndrome" because I was fortunate enough to be the only girl. A Stanford University study showed that middles are considered the most envious, least bold, and least talkative of all the birth orders. And I can assure you that Charles and I have never been accused of not being talkative. I was never bold, but I think Charles probably was and I imagine we both were envious.
An article in Psychology Today stated,"Middles are flexible, team-builders, independent, yet also social. They don’t need to be micromanaged. They would make good teachers, actors, social workers, diplomats—but would not be so good at work where they’re isolated. Empathy can cause them stress—they’d make good defense lawyers, but not good prosecutors." Actually we all ended up as teachers and a preacher, but I know that of the four of us, Charles and I are the most empathetic, sometimes to a fault. But now in our old age we recognize that being middle children shaped who we are today. And since there's absolutely nothing we could have done about it, it just doesn't matter. It probably would have helped if we'd known about this syndrome when we were younger, but I feel we're just lucky to have been born into the family we were. And, although I couldn't say this when I was a kid, I love all my brothers now!
An article in Psychology Today stated,"Middles are flexible, team-builders, independent, yet also social. They don’t need to be micromanaged. They would make good teachers, actors, social workers, diplomats—but would not be so good at work where they’re isolated. Empathy can cause them stress—they’d make good defense lawyers, but not good prosecutors." Actually we all ended up as teachers and a preacher, but I know that of the four of us, Charles and I are the most empathetic, sometimes to a fault. But now in our old age we recognize that being middle children shaped who we are today. And since there's absolutely nothing we could have done about it, it just doesn't matter. It probably would have helped if we'd known about this syndrome when we were younger, but I feel we're just lucky to have been born into the family we were. And, although I couldn't say this when I was a kid, I love all my brothers now!
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Presidential Joke Day
There are too many current options to choose from (and too much divisiveness to pick one side), so I'll use a joke from the past:
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and George Washington are on a sinking ship.
As the boat sinks, George Washington heroically shouts: "Save the women!"
George W. Bush hysterically hollers: "Screw the women!"
Bill Clinton's asks excitedly: "Do we have time?
It was wine day in the neighborhood and we had an especially good time tonight. One of our favorite spots with out favorite waitress and just a good combination of friends. A little too much wine and a lot of laughter made for a perfect evening.
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and George Washington are on a sinking ship.
As the boat sinks, George Washington heroically shouts: "Save the women!"
George W. Bush hysterically hollers: "Screw the women!"
Bill Clinton's asks excitedly: "Do we have time?
It was wine day in the neighborhood and we had an especially good time tonight. One of our favorite spots with out favorite waitress and just a good combination of friends. A little too much wine and a lot of laughter made for a perfect evening.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Lazy Day
I only celebrated for half the day, but I did it up right. This morning I went to Yoga and then to the cardio class at the Y. Note to self: Don't do that ever again! I can do Tai Chi and then the Y, but not with yoga. I was exhausted after the Y class and was so happy to be obligated to celebrate National Lazy Day when I got home. So thanks to Netflix streaming, I spent the afternoon on the couch and didn't even feel guilty. It felt so much like a Sunday afternoon that I actually got confused. But alas, it's only Wednesday, so back at it tomorrow. And after a lazy day, I look forward to the normal routine.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Book Lovers Day
I hate it that our numbers are dwindling rapidly, but I, along with very few others, am still clinging to real books. Granted I like books on the iPad when I'm traveling, but I want to turn pages, easily flip back so I can reread what I already forgot, and be able to see how much I have left to read without clicking on anything. I have very few books of my own now... just some of my favorites that I plan on reading again someday, but the library is nearby and I do enjoy searching online, reserving what I want to read, and then just picking it up from a reserved area. So this is one of the many things that will set me apart from the kids now. "She's so old that she still reads actual books!" I wasn't ready for this.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Happiness Happens Day
I loved this day! First I went to Tai Chi and that always makes me happy. Then I copied a video that Karen Wiggins posted on Facebook and made this drawing with markers. Although it could certainly look better, that made me happy because it's so cool. After that I went to my exercise class at the Y which produces all those lovely endorphins in my body. And what exactly are endorphins, you may ask? Well, I'm not sure exactly, but they do help bring about feelings of euphoria and general well-being. And this evening when I walk the dogs, one of my neighbors will walk with us. I like it when she joins us because she takes Glory and then I only have to watch out for my little guy. Plus we catch up on recent events. And that makes me happy. But truth be told, I'd be happier if this celebration occurred at any other time of the year besides summer. It's too hot, but I'm still happy!
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Sisters Day

Saturday, August 6, 2016
Wiggle Your Toes Day
All together now... wiggle your toes! And since I had a pedicure yesterday, I can even look at my toes as I wiggle without feeling disgusted. Also as we age, wiggling any part of our body is productive and just feels good.
I visited Brianna today and got some really good news. She has a grandfather in San Antonio who she will be able to live with when she leaves Krause House. They've had one family counseling session by Skype and it really made her happy. She even read him a list of rules she's made for herself including working hard at school and respecting others. She told me that he cried at one point and I believe that is a very good sign. I also got reprimanded by her therapist for taking her gifts (some old tee shirts of mine and a set of markers for coloring). I'd truly forgotten that we weren't supposed to do that and she's such a sweetie that I just couldn't help myself. But happily, she got to keep what I'd given her and I promised not to do it again. Dammit!
I visited Brianna today and got some really good news. She has a grandfather in San Antonio who she will be able to live with when she leaves Krause House. They've had one family counseling session by Skype and it really made her happy. She even read him a list of rules she's made for herself including working hard at school and respecting others. She told me that he cried at one point and I believe that is a very good sign. I also got reprimanded by her therapist for taking her gifts (some old tee shirts of mine and a set of markers for coloring). I'd truly forgotten that we weren't supposed to do that and she's such a sweetie that I just couldn't help myself. But happily, she got to keep what I'd given her and I promised not to do it again. Dammit!
Friday, August 5, 2016
Underwear Day
I hope we all shared in the celebration today by wearing underwear. And if you didn't, I don't really want to know. I think this one's a little ridiculous.
I posted this photo because I have my brother, Joe, to thank for what I did this morning. I took this picture at the Memphis airport when Rob and Joe came to pick me up in July. They saw this license plate and parked next to it. So as hard as this may be to believe, Joe convinced me some time ago that pedicures are worth it. I mentioned that I get a couple every summer, but that I also have a problem cutting my toenails. It's not that I can't reach them, but rather I can't see them. So he reminded me that Mom and Dad used to drive an hour to a podiatrist just to get their toenails cut and it cost more than a pedicure. So I immediately took that to mean when I need my toenails clipped, a pedicure is in order. Gotta love Joe!
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
I cheated a little today because I bought chocolate chunk cookies instead of the usual chips and let's face it... if some is good, more is better (the Wiggins family motto). I bought three cookies yesterday and couldn't wait till today, so had a part of one after dinner last night. And so far, I've only finished the broken one, but that could change before I go to bed.
I played Rummikub this afternoon which is a good game for my brain. When I first got here I didn't like the game much because I had to think, but now that I've played a while, it isn't as much of a chore. And it's always good company and snacks, so it's really a win-win-win.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Watermelon Day
Where's Frank Wiggins when you need him? Oh, I remember... heaven. Anyway. I can't eat watermelon without thinking of dear old Dad and how much he loved it. It was the only thing he ate in the days before he died. I have to buy the expensive cut-up chunks (for more than I could buy a whole watermelon) because the whole melons are too big and I hate the mess. Wish Dad was here to cut it up for me. I did give up his habit of salting it years ago and now love how it tastes so wonderfully sweet. It brought back some great memories and made this very hot summer day a little more bearable.
I also went back to yoga today after months of being away. I didn't like the last teacher, but there's a new one now and I'm back in my element. Thank goodness!
I also went back to yoga today after months of being away. I didn't like the last teacher, but there's a new one now and I'm back in my element. Thank goodness!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Coloring Book Day
This certainly couldn't have hit at a better time... today was our coloring day at the clubhouse! And dammit, but I meant to take a picture of everyone coloring, but completely forgot. Maybe another time. We only have about eight regulars, but that's just fine by me because some of our groups have really gotten too big. Sometimes we have as many as 20 at our Friday night dinners and it takes forever. It's funny that this is one of my biggest problems. It's also great!
Monday, August 1, 2016
Girlfriends Day
I'm pretty sure I celebrated Friends Day not too long ago and since 90% of my friends are girls, this tribute is about the same. I've been fortunate to have very good friends all my life and the circle obviously grows as I age. I love that I'm still in touch with high school girlfriends as well as friends I've had since in my twenties. I'm very blessed!
Since it's Monday, we don't typically go out until later in the week, so I'll just propose a toast to all my girlfriends when I have my daily wine. But I did share Tai Chi class today with a very good Heritage Grand girlfriend. She was the host of our little dinner party on Saturday and at the time complained that she has no study. Well, being the helpful sort that I am, I offered a suggestion on rearranging her furniture to make a little study nook in the corner of her living room. And this morning she told me she hasn't stopped thinking about it, so of course, I had to offer to come help her try it out. I love doing that sort of thing and my house just isn't conducive to alternate arrangements, so it'll be fun.
I also went back to the YMCA to my exercise class which I hadn't been to since January. I fractured my foot in Feb. and then when that had just healed, took the big fall. I was really nervous about starting back, but I kept right up and felt great afterwards. Yee haw!
Since it's Monday, we don't typically go out until later in the week, so I'll just propose a toast to all my girlfriends when I have my daily wine. But I did share Tai Chi class today with a very good Heritage Grand girlfriend. She was the host of our little dinner party on Saturday and at the time complained that she has no study. Well, being the helpful sort that I am, I offered a suggestion on rearranging her furniture to make a little study nook in the corner of her living room. And this morning she told me she hasn't stopped thinking about it, so of course, I had to offer to come help her try it out. I love doing that sort of thing and my house just isn't conducive to alternate arrangements, so it'll be fun.
I also went back to the YMCA to my exercise class which I hadn't been to since January. I fractured my foot in Feb. and then when that had just healed, took the big fall. I was really nervous about starting back, but I kept right up and felt great afterwards. Yee haw!
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