I was happy to read that one way to celebrate this day was to listen to music. That's something I do everyday, but I visited Sage this morning and she likes contemporary gospel music, so we listened to that while we talked and played cards.
She told me immediately that she didn't see her therapist last week, so I told her that although I wasn't qualified, I was definitely willing to listen. She said she'd talked to her mother in Dallas and her mom told her she needed to write a letter to the man who had hurt her. I asked about that and she asked me if I'd read the letter. Of course, I agreed. but had no idea how serious this was.
She was molested by her mother's boyfriend for 3 1/2 years starting when she was 9. The man is now in prison for it, but she hasn't had a good relationship with her mom since. Sage said when it all came to light, her mother just shut down and wouldn't have anything to do with her. The mother hadn't known about it and I explained that she probably feels guilty about it. We talked about that for a while and before I left she told me that she really likes my personality because I'm so blunt. I was actually taken aback because I felt like I'd been complimenting for all the progress she's made after such a horrible experience. Thank goodness she likes blunt because I'm never actually aware that I am (although many people have told me that). Something I need to work on.
It's now 2017 and after almost seven years of daily blogging, I'm now writing only once a week, on Sundays. Stop by anytime!
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Saturday, January 30, 2016
National Hobby Month
Since my choices were Croissant Day and Seed Swap Day, I decided to go with Hobby Month. Oh sure, I could have bought a croissant sandwich for lunch, but I went out to dinner tonight, so didn't want to use up calories at noon. And even if I went and bought some seeds, not sure who I'd swap with.
So I colored today (the top one is unfinished) and I read and played games on my iPad... my three favorite hobbies. The weather was gorgeous so I drove the dogs to a park in a nearby neighborhood and we charted new waters. Not exactly a hobby, but I know we all enjoyed it.
So I colored today (the top one is unfinished) and I read and played games on my iPad... my three favorite hobbies. The weather was gorgeous so I drove the dogs to a park in a nearby neighborhood and we charted new waters. Not exactly a hobby, but I know we all enjoyed it.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Puzzle Day
Well, this one was a no-brainer since I work a crossword puzzle every day, as well as the Jumble. I also play Words with Friends with my cousin, Mary Raffety, and do that every morning as well. Since I stopped taking the newspaper almost a year ago, I now read the news on my iPad and work the puzzles afterwards. I love my iPad!
I also visited with both kids at the elementary school today and both of them wanted to play Jinga. I kind of hate that game since it makes me nervous, but they both like it and I definitely consider it working a puzzle (that could crash at any moment). I still enjoy working jigsaw puzzles, but since I tutor at the dining room table, I haven't worked one in quite a while. Maybe spring break...
I also visited with both kids at the elementary school today and both of them wanted to play Jinga. I kind of hate that game since it makes me nervous, but they both like it and I definitely consider it working a puzzle (that could crash at any moment). I still enjoy working jigsaw puzzles, but since I tutor at the dining room table, I haven't worked one in quite a while. Maybe spring break...
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Data Privacy Day
Okay, maybe I needed this one. It wasn't exciting, but I changed passwords on my financial accounts. I've always felt like they were very safe passwords, but I guess that's not always the point. It took longer than I expected, but I feel safer now that I did it.
It was also wine day, but since that's not officially celebrated nationally, it couldn't count. Our group is growing (imagine that) and I'm sad to admit that when I called the restaurant saying that we were coming, I actually said, "The old lady winos are coming this afternoon." I didn't hear the words until they came out of my mouth and I was instantly sorry. However, the girl on the other end of the phone didn't even flinch... just said, "Okay, we'll be expecting you."
It was also wine day, but since that's not officially celebrated nationally, it couldn't count. Our group is growing (imagine that) and I'm sad to admit that when I called the restaurant saying that we were coming, I actually said, "The old lady winos are coming this afternoon." I didn't hear the words until they came out of my mouth and I was instantly sorry. However, the girl on the other end of the phone didn't even flinch... just said, "Okay, we'll be expecting you."
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Chocolate Cake Day
Are you kidding me? Another sweets day so soon? I still have brownies and pie from Friday and Saturday! But this was the only choice for today and I'll tell you what... I believe this will help me swear off sweets. I'm sick of it!
But I went to a bakery this morning and did ask if they could cut the regular (huge) piece in half for me. Fortunately the lovely lady behind the counter agreed and cut the price in half as well, so that's the best part. The cake is pretty good and I did eat half after lunch and half after dinner. I do normally eat a little chocolate after each meal, so this wasn't too bad. I'm just glad I had my aerobics class today!
But I went to a bakery this morning and did ask if they could cut the regular (huge) piece in half for me. Fortunately the lovely lady behind the counter agreed and cut the price in half as well, so that's the best part. The cake is pretty good and I did eat half after lunch and half after dinner. I do normally eat a little chocolate after each meal, so this wasn't too bad. I'm just glad I had my aerobics class today!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Green Juice Day
This one was easy peasy! I drink a green smoothie almost every day, so didn't even have to go to the store. My other choice was Peanut Brittle Day, but I've had too many sweet days too close together. My ingredients are a small banana, pear, flax seed, spinach, Greek yogurt, and almond milk... yum!!!
I also went to see Mason today. We played Jinga, which he loved and I tolerated... too stressful and too noisy. While we were playing he told me that his dad used to live in an old folks' home, but now he lives in a hotel with a roommate. I'm guessing rehab? No idea, really, but maybe that explains why he and his sister are living with their aunt and uncle. Whatever it is, I continue to pray for their family.
I also went to see Mason today. We played Jinga, which he loved and I tolerated... too stressful and too noisy. While we were playing he told me that his dad used to live in an old folks' home, but now he lives in a hotel with a roommate. I'm guessing rehab? No idea, really, but maybe that explains why he and his sister are living with their aunt and uncle. Whatever it is, I continue to pray for their family.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Opposite Day
Today you're supposed to do the opposite of what you would normally do. Actually it's quite a paradox because by the very nature of the name of the day, if I say it's Opposite Day then it would be a normal day. But rather than confuse anyone further, I will just write the opposite of what I did today.
This morning I went to many expensive specialty stores to buy food, etc. in small quantities. Then because the weather was so cold and miserable, I chose to go to my aerobics class instead of cleaning out the garage as I had planned. And although I expected to tutor Thomas this afternoon, he didn't show up. Tonight, although I usually play games on my iPad and watch TV, I decided to go bowling. It was a very busy day!!!
This morning I went to many expensive specialty stores to buy food, etc. in small quantities. Then because the weather was so cold and miserable, I chose to go to my aerobics class instead of cleaning out the garage as I had planned. And although I expected to tutor Thomas this afternoon, he didn't show up. Tonight, although I usually play games on my iPad and watch TV, I decided to go bowling. It was a very busy day!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Beer Can Appreciation Day, Compliment Day, and Peanut Butter Day
Today I celebrated all three days. The photo is of the beer can house in the Heights... the dangling stuff is made of pop tops and the front gate is beer cans. It's a real treasure!
I met Sage, my new mentee, this afternoon at Krause House. I was subtle, but paid her as many compliments as I could think of. She's the polar opposite of Hope... believes in God, wanted to listen to gospel music instead of hip hop, and very rarely gets in trouble. She was very vocal about doing the right things, being kind to others, and focusing on her goals. Almost to the point that it sounded like she was just regurgitating what she's learned in therapy. But matters not because the more she states it, the more likely she is to believe it. I really enjoyed our time together.
And tonight I had a big spoonful of peanut butter, so there you go... three celebrations in one day!
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Pie Day!
Tonight is Trivia at the clubhouse and everyone has to bring a snack. I'm taking blonde brownies (can't keep them in the house), as well as a pie for my table. Can't bake two days in a row, so I went to Proud Pie and picked the chocolatiest one they had... Miss Daisy's Double Chocolate Fudge! I told the guy behind the counter that it's National Pie Day and he replied, "You think we don't know that? It's a pie shop." That was good for a chuckle.
I won't be home till my bedtime, so that's why I'm blogging early. Looking forward to a fun evening!
I won't be home till my bedtime, so that's why I'm blogging early. Looking forward to a fun evening!
Friday, January 22, 2016
Blonde Brownie Day
Since there were no other options for today, I had to celebrate blonde brownies. And I made them from scratch! Can't remember the last time that happened and I had to take a photo of the ingredients so you'd believe me. And I had to buy almost everything (still had Mom's flour). Have to admit it was a pain, but they were delicious! As was the batter because I licked everything that had touched it.
Then I took the finished product to dinner tonight to share with the neighborhood single ladies. They were all impressed and voted me MVP!
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Hugging Day
Hugging has never been something I'm comfortable with, but the older I get, the easier it becomes. I visited Mason, my 1st grader mentee, this morning and am proud to say he was my first hug of the day. Today is also one of my traveling buddy's birthday and our other two pals were involved with grandchildren this evening, so I invited her out for happy hour. Then I secretly invited other friends to be at the restaurant when we got there and she was very pleasantly surprised. So I hugged all of them when we got there and they all hugged me as we left. I also hugged our waitress, but several ladies at our table commented that she rolled her eyes as I hugged her. Of course, they had all hugged her first, so she was probably annoyed at me for causing all this. I know I certainly would have been at her age. Matters not... I enjoyed each and every hug!
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Cheese Lovers Day
What a great lunch I had and it's something I wouldn't normally do, so this has probably been my favorite day so far. Prosciutto is my new favorite food, so this was mozzarella and basil wrapped in prosciutto on pita crackers... yum! Also a garlic spread topped with parmigiano-reggiano. And as I'm writing this, I just realized that I should have had a glass of wine with it. What was I thinking? Oh well, still still loved it and am now thrilled that I have leftovers.
And the little tiny cheese pieces on the cutting board were for the dogs. They probably love cheese more than I do.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Popcorn Day
Monday, January 18, 2016
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
To celebrate the day, I went to Krause House to make Mardi Gras masks with the girls, since they were out of school today. Okay, so actually, they were celebrating and we were just helping. It counts.
I also met my new mentee, Sage. She's 15 and has been in the foster system since she was very young. Was actually removed from her home three different times and now it's permanent. We'll meet for the first time alone on Saturday. I asked her if she liked to play any games and she said no, she just wants to spend the hour talking. This is new for me... Hope didn't like to talk. I'm looking forward to it.
I did read an article today which listed 87 quotes from MLK since today would have been his 87th birthday. My two favorites were, "Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase." And "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." If only we could all follow his lead.
I also met my new mentee, Sage. She's 15 and has been in the foster system since she was very young. Was actually removed from her home three different times and now it's permanent. We'll meet for the first time alone on Saturday. I asked her if she liked to play any games and she said no, she just wants to spend the hour talking. This is new for me... Hope didn't like to talk. I'm looking forward to it.
I did read an article today which listed 87 quotes from MLK since today would have been his 87th birthday. My two favorites were, "Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase." And "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." If only we could all follow his lead.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Soup Month
Today is National Bootleggers Day and Hot Buttered Rum Day. I didn't really know how to celebrate the first and didn't want to buy the ingredients for the second, so I was delighted when I learned that January is National Soup Month (probably started by Campbell's).
Last week Kay and I went to a healthy cooking demonstration and one of the chefs has her own health food store. She brought many products to purchase, but I bought the bean soup jar. Three different kinds of beans and a spice packet were all I needed. I don't think I've had bean soup and cornbread since Mom made it and the package of cornbread mix in my pantry confirmed that. It was best used by sometime in 2012, but I tried it anyway. Everything was delicious and provided warm memories of Mom. A win-win, for sure!
Last week Kay and I went to a healthy cooking demonstration and one of the chefs has her own health food store. She brought many products to purchase, but I bought the bean soup jar. Three different kinds of beans and a spice packet were all I needed. I don't think I've had bean soup and cornbread since Mom made it and the package of cornbread mix in my pantry confirmed that. It was best used by sometime in 2012, but I tried it anyway. Everything was delicious and provided warm memories of Mom. A win-win, for sure!
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Nothing Day
I'm loving this one! National Nothing Day was created as a day when Americans can just sit without celebrating, observing or honoring anything. I find it to be an oxymoron because to celebrate (see what I mean?) I didn't have to do anything out of the ordinary. I can only hope this happens a few more times during the year, but I'm not hopeful.
I took Simon to the groomer this morning and decided to take Glory for a walk while we were Simonless because he really slows us down. I'm not really sure if it's his arthritis, his extra poundage, or just the fact that he likes to stroll, but it's a pain for Glory and me to walk so slowly. So we had a brisk walk along a trail we'd never explored before. It made us both happy!
I took Simon to the groomer this morning and decided to take Glory for a walk while we were Simonless because he really slows us down. I'm not really sure if it's his arthritis, his extra poundage, or just the fact that he likes to stroll, but it's a pain for Glory and me to walk so slowly. So we had a brisk walk along a trail we'd never explored before. It made us both happy!
Friday, January 15, 2016
Hat Day
Normally at his time of year I'd be wearing a knit cap to walk the dogs, but since it's Houston and we had a beautiful day today, this is how I dress to take the dogs on their afternoon walk. We passed by a young boy who was riding his bike in front of his grandma's house (she was sitting in the driveway). He got off his bike, came over, and sat down in the street to greet the dogs. Glory loved him and I'm pretty sure it was a mutual admiration society. I hated to take her away... she needs a little boy.

I wore a hat out with the dinner group and many of them were upset that I didn't inform them so they could wear one, too. I'm still learning and promise I'll get better.

I wore a hat out with the dinner group and many of them were upset that I didn't inform them so they could wear one, too. I'm still learning and promise I'll get better.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Dress Up Your Pet Day
This isn't actually something I support, but Simon and Glory both have raincoats (Glory hates hers). Simon is tolerant, but please ignore the fact that he needs to go to the groomer. And although he's pretty agreeable about all this, he just wasn't having the hood. And for this reason and Glory's abhorrence, we don't walk in the rain unless we get caught in it.
Dress Up Your Pet Day was founded in 2009 by Colleen Paige, a celebrity pet lifestyle expert and animal behaviorist (oh, give me a break... "pet lifestyle expert"? Really?).
Dress Up Your Pet Day was founded in 2009 by Colleen Paige, a celebrity pet lifestyle expert and animal behaviorist (oh, give me a break... "pet lifestyle expert"? Really?).
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Stephen Foster Memorial Day
We're all familiar with the music of Stephen Foster... Camptown Races, My Old Kentucky Home, Beautiful Dreamer, Oh! Susanna, Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair, and others. He was born on July 4, 1826 and died at 37 on January 13, 1864 (I guess we don't celebrate on the day of his birth since it just might be overshadowed by other festivities). Although some believe his death was due to alcoholism, it was actually due to fever and a fall. I think alcohol still could have been a contributing factor, but no one consulted me.
He wrote over 200 songs and is known as the father of American music. He also has been identified as the most famous songwriter of the 19th century. Learned somethin, didn't ya?
He wrote over 200 songs and is known as the father of American music. He also has been identified as the most famous songwriter of the 19th century. Learned somethin, didn't ya?
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Marzipan Day
I'm afraid today was my first fail (but I have a good excuse). I went to two grocery stores and a bakery, but couldn't find any marzipan cookies. I know I could have made some because they're only almond paste and powdered sugar, but then I'd have had a whole batch of cookies I don't love. So I settled for sugar free almond crescent cookies from the HEB bakery, which I'm sure tasted worse than the real thing.
Now for my excuse... I went to my retina specialist this morning because my ophthalmologist saw a strange spot on my eye with wet macular degeneration. After major dilation and many, many pictures, today's doctor said it looks clear. So now I can have the cataract removed on that eye. It may or may not improve my vision (the other one didn't), but I'm willing to take the chance. So all that happened this morning and the dilation didn't wear off until about 4. I'm not a fan of driving around in late afternoon traffic, so that's why I failed today. I'm not proud.
Now for my excuse... I went to my retina specialist this morning because my ophthalmologist saw a strange spot on my eye with wet macular degeneration. After major dilation and many, many pictures, today's doctor said it looks clear. So now I can have the cataract removed on that eye. It may or may not improve my vision (the other one didn't), but I'm willing to take the chance. So all that happened this morning and the dilation didn't wear off until about 4. I'm not a fan of driving around in late afternoon traffic, so that's why I failed today. I'm not proud.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Clean Off Your Desk Day
This day is actually celebrated the second Monday in January, I think for obvious reasons. My desk has looked like this, sometimes worse and sometimes slightly better, for a very long time. A lot of the stuff just needed to be filed and for some items I had to make new files, so I just chose not to do it... until today.
If you will notice, the before pic was taken this morning, while the after photo was taken after dark. You just can't do this type of thing in one sitting (actually it took three). But I'm happy this was what I had to celebrate today and am proud of the after!
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Bittersweet Chocolate Day
Well... this just has my name all over it! I eat dark chocolate every evening after dinner with a glass of red wine. My preference is Ghirardelli Intense Dark 86% Cacao. There aren't real definitions of the differences between unsweetened, bittersweet, and semisweet but to be considered bittersweet it should contain at least 70% cacao, so I'm covered.
I had lunch with Allison and Roy today and we shared a chocolate dessert as we always do. It was a chocolate mousse with dark chocolate ganache on the top, so I'm pretty sure I double dipped today. In my book, every day is chocolate day!
I had lunch with Allison and Roy today and we shared a chocolate dessert as we always do. It was a chocolate mousse with dark chocolate ganache on the top, so I'm pretty sure I double dipped today. In my book, every day is chocolate day!
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Apricot Day
Since it was his birthday, I brought gifts of apricot jam, apricot crackers, and apricot brandy (sadly, the brandy didn't cost enough to be very good, but I told him that). And fortunately Kitty told me she loves apricots, so I'm guessing she got the jam and the crackers. And unfortunately, I didn't get to try any of it because he didn't open it (but not really disappointed... don't really love apricots).
This is the clan settling in for the game which turned out to be a major disappointment from the first score by Kansas City on the kickoff. But it's always a party with this gang, regardless of the situation. I love them!!!
Friday, January 8, 2016
Joy Germ Day
A Joy Germ is a little germ of joy that is spread by smiling at people, making people laugh, and generally spreading happiness everywhere you go. To celebrate it, I only had to laugh, smile, be kind, inspire and spread the one type of germ that is good for everyone to catch. I'm not sure I inspired anyone, but I got our dinner group to laugh (okay, maybe the wine helped a bit, but matters not... we were all happy).
Thursday, January 7, 2016
National Mentoring Month
Since today is Bobblehead Day and Tempura Day, I decided to focus on National Mentoring Month (whew, dodged that bullet). I mean, really... bobbleheads and tempura? Just couldn't do it.
In 2002, President George W. Bush proclaimed January as Mentoring Month to promote youth mentoring. And Colin Powell was the lead spokesperson for the campaign in 2009.
I visited Bryanna this morning, fully unaware at the time that I was participating in a national campaign. She talks nonstop for almost the full hour we spend together and is very entertaining. She asked how long a mentor follows a child and I told her that as long as she's in Katy schools, I'll be her mentor. That seemed to please her and me, as well.
In 2002, President George W. Bush proclaimed January as Mentoring Month to promote youth mentoring. And Colin Powell was the lead spokesperson for the campaign in 2009.
I visited Bryanna this morning, fully unaware at the time that I was participating in a national campaign. She talks nonstop for almost the full hour we spend together and is very entertaining. She asked how long a mentor follows a child and I told her that as long as she's in Katy schools, I'll be her mentor. That seemed to please her and me, as well.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Bean Day
Now we're talking... in only five days, I've already passed on Cream Puff, Chocolate Covered Cherry, and Whipped Cream Days. Beans I can do. And fortunately I had a can of black beans in the pantry, so this was a piece of cake (or can of beans). So for lunch I had the Boots Wiggins special... beans over bread, her favorite meal. And I can always use more fiber for obvious reasons. One cup provides 9 to 13 grams of fiber. And more bean trivia: there are about 40,000 varieties in the world.
Today is also Technology Day, but I figured no one needed to see photos of me at the computer, using my iPhone, or on my iPad. But I swear I did all three... today and every day. I love technology (except when I hate it).
Today is also Technology Day, but I figured no one needed to see photos of me at the computer, using my iPhone, or on my iPad. But I swear I did all three... today and every day. I love technology (except when I hate it).
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Bird Day
This day was a real flop! My first goal was to take a picture of a bird today. I went out four times and granted, I'm not very observant and my mind tends to wander when I'm walking the dogs, but I didn't even see one. So late this afternoon I went out to sit on the patio to see if I could even get a glimpse of a bird... to hell with a photo. Again no luck. So there you have it. On Bird Day I never even saw one damn bird. I think this day should be in the spring.
But for educational purposes, Born Free USA, an animal advocacy group, started Bird Day on January 5th 14 years ago in order to spotlight issues critical to the protection and survival of captive and wild birds. And then I just found a pretty pic. You're welcome.
But for educational purposes, Born Free USA, an animal advocacy group, started Bird Day on January 5th 14 years ago in order to spotlight issues critical to the protection and survival of captive and wild birds. And then I just found a pretty pic. You're welcome.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Spaghetti Day
But there you go. Matters not what it's made of, as long as it represents thin string or twine. Wish you could have joined me because the whole meal was delicious. Costco salmon is the best and microwaveable. I love Costco!
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Drinking Straw Day
Marvin C. Stone received the patent for the paper drinking straw on January 3, 1888. But it's believed that the first drinking straws were used by the Sumerians for drinking beer (gotta love the Sumerians). And just so you know, because I didn't, Sumer was the southernmost region of ancient Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization. The oldest straw was found in a Sumerian tomb dated 3000 BC. It was a gold tube inlaid with a blue stone. I think that would be lovely, especially if you were sick and had to use a straw.
I didn't really intend to learn much on this venture, but boy, was I wrong.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
National Science Fiction Day
I know, I know... this one is a stretch for me since I am NOT a fan of science fiction, but my other choices were Personal Trainer Awareness Day, Cream Puff Day, and Buffet Day. I chose the one that didn't involve calories or something I have no experience with. And I learned something.
American author and Boston University professor of biochemistry, Isaac Asimov was born Isaak Yudovich Ozimov on January 2, 1920. He was best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books and he died on April 6, 1992.
And also in celebration, I watched the movie Her tonight. That's about as science fictiony as I can do... a man falling in love with his operating system, who is much more human than Siri and falls in love with him, too. I think it was really stupid and wouldn't have persevered had it not been Science Fiction Day. It's gonna be a long year!
American author and Boston University professor of biochemistry, Isaac Asimov was born Isaak Yudovich Ozimov on January 2, 1920. He was best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books and he died on April 6, 1992.
And also in celebration, I watched the movie Her tonight. That's about as science fictiony as I can do... a man falling in love with his operating system, who is much more human than Siri and falls in love with him, too. I think it was really stupid and wouldn't have persevered had it not been Science Fiction Day. It's gonna be a long year!
Friday, January 1, 2016
New Year's Day
Happy New Year!!! As 2016 begins, I am also starting something new... I'm going to celebrate every day in some way, according to the National Day calendar. And today, other than being New Year's Day, is also National Hangover Day. I'm proud to say I'm not celebrating that, just the usual traditional day. I drank a mamamango (a mimosas with mango juice instead of orange... dee-lish), ate black-eyed peas and cabbage, and watched the Rose Bowl parade plus a little football. That's what you're supposed to do and I did it all!
Also, I changed the comments section so anyone can now comment, if you so choose. Sorry I didn't do that before. But be nice!
Also, I changed the comments section so anyone can now comment, if you so choose. Sorry I didn't do that before. But be nice!
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