Saturday, February 6, 2016

Lame Duck Day

First of all, it's also Frozen Yogurt Day, which I was going for, but couldn't find in the allotted time. I drove the dogs to a nearby park for a walk and then headed to TCBY, but to no avail. It was all locked up because they hadn't paid their rent. I was in a time crunch so stopped at the closest convenience store, but all they had was ice cream. There was a Mardi Gras party at the clubhouse tonight and I had to get ready, so the search ended.

And now we're to Lame Duck Day. The 20th amendment was proclaimed by the US Secretary of State on February 6, 1933. The amendment reduced the amount of time between Election Day and the beginning of Presidential, Vice Presidential and Congressional terms. 

The term “lame duck” originated as a description of stock brokers in 1700s England who could not pay off their debts. The term later carried over to businessmen who, while known to be bankrupt, would continue to do business. And don't tell me that's still not going on!

Later the term transferred to politics, which is how we know it today... a person currently holding office who has not been re-elected for various reason. And that's when the mayhem occurs. Office holders are no longer responsible to their constituents and focus more on personal gain. It's just wrong no matter how you look at it. 

This was way more than I intended to deal with today, but there you have it... we're grateful for the 20th amendment!  

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