I'm far from the queen of social media, but I did share a dog video on Facebook this morning. Karen posted it first and it was incredible... a dog doing a slow modern dance with his owner and he had his back to her! Just moved with the music. And I can't teach my dogs anything. It was pretty awesome, so if you want to see it, here's the link: http://www.littlethings.com/dog-dance-beautiful/?utm_source=pit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=pets
Other than that, didn't really do much today except go out to lunch. I wouldn't have gone since I went out yesterday, but it was to my favorite restaurant, so I was unable to decline. And it was yummy! Now I'm getting ready for my next trip to Memphis on Saturday. Don't believe I've been out of town on back to back weekends since maybe never. Oh well, gotta go with the flow.
It's now 2017 and after almost seven years of daily blogging, I'm now writing only once a week, on Sundays. Stop by anytime!
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
I nailed this one! Banana, pear, and spinach in my morning smoothie; asparagus with my lunch; and broccoli for dinner. I wish I did this every day, but I try. Kay came to Katy for lunch today so we could get caught up. She and Jack are having to change Kori's care plan, which is putting a heavier burden on them, but she doesn't complain... just talks matter-of-factly about what it all entails. They are such strong people. And Patti, we missed you. I know you, too, are going through a rough time, but Kay and I are both praying for you and Tom. Hang in there!
It's really hot here, but what else is new? And obviously, we're not the only ones suffering. Just be grateful if you live somewhere that's not so miserable. This is the time for traveling to Canada... something to consider next summer.
It's really hot here, but what else is new? And obviously, we're not the only ones suffering. Just be grateful if you live somewhere that's not so miserable. This is the time for traveling to Canada... something to consider next summer.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
And now back to sanity. I got a call this morning that Sage is leaving tomorrow for good to live with her aunt and uncle. I knew this was imminent, but didn't expect it so soon. So I quickly printed a picture of me to put into her goodbye card and headed to Pizza Hut for her favorite lunch. When I got there, she was so happy and beaming like I've never seen. As our visit progressed she got sadder and I explained that change is difficult, but I know she'll be fine. She said she hated to leave me, but I promised her that there will always be people in her life to mentor her, officially or not. It may be a teacher or a boss or just someone she meets along the way. And now I pray for her success. I'm so happy for her!
And now back to sanity. I got a call this morning that Sage is leaving tomorrow for good to live with her aunt and uncle. I knew this was imminent, but didn't expect it so soon. So I quickly printed a picture of me to put into her goodbye card and headed to Pizza Hut for her favorite lunch. When I got there, she was so happy and beaming like I've never seen. As our visit progressed she got sadder and I explained that change is difficult, but I know she'll be fine. She said she hated to leave me, but I promised her that there will always be people in her life to mentor her, officially or not. It may be a teacher or a boss or just someone she meets along the way. And now I pray for her success. I'm so happy for her!
Monday, June 27, 2016
Sunglasses Day
Man, have I got sunglasses! I got a new prescription pair last week just to wear on dog walks and at water aerobics. My others slid down my nose at the slightest hint of sweat, so these have the little nose pieces that stay put. So I wore those this morning. Then a non-prescription pair that fit over my glasses for daily use. And I wore those for my trip to the grocery store. But I'm happy to report that it's cloudy this evening so I won't need sunglasses at all when I take my little pups out. It's amazing to me how much cooler it is when the sun is behind a cloud. Thank God for a little respite from this summer heat!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Candy Month
I'm not really a candy eater (I much prefer cookies and cakes), but just happened to have the opportunity today. Karen and I decided to stop at the Golden Nugget in Lake Charles on our way home for a wee bit o' gambling. We only allowed ourselves 45 minutes and then had lunch at Landry's in the casino. I was eyeing a shop across the way called the Chocolate Box and felt the need to stop in after we ate. I bought some dark chocolate salt caramel which was delicious, but had one big drawback. It was so chewy that I was frightened I would pull my bridge out, so only ate one little piece. I'm saving the rest for the permanent bridge.
Even though it was a wonderful weekend, I was so excited to pick up my kids on the way home and then to get back to the old homestead. All three of us are happy now!
Even though it was a wonderful weekend, I was so excited to pick up my kids on the way home and then to get back to the old homestead. All three of us are happy now!
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Leon Day
National Leon Day celebrates the halfway point to Christmas. Leon is Noel spelled backwards and it is officially six more months till Santa comes down chimneys all over the world.
The memorial service this afternoon was beautiful and absolutely perfect. It was in a very old white-framed Episcopalian church and after the service we all walked into the garden where the priest sprinkled Justin's ashes all over the plants. It was wonderful! Afterwards we went to a reception at a friend's house and then to dinner at Suzan and Mike's for the out of town guests. We shared stories and laughed until we cried. Suzan and Mike will feel the pain for the rest of their lives, but I'm happy I was able to share in their grief as well as giving them a little respite from their sadness.
The memorial service this afternoon was beautiful and absolutely perfect. It was in a very old white-framed Episcopalian church and after the service we all walked into the garden where the priest sprinkled Justin's ashes all over the plants. It was wonderful! Afterwards we went to a reception at a friend's house and then to dinner at Suzan and Mike's for the out of town guests. We shared stories and laughed until we cried. Suzan and Mike will feel the pain for the rest of their lives, but I'm happy I was able to share in their grief as well as giving them a little respite from their sadness.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Pralines Day
I thought this would be easy peazy since I'm in south Louisiana today, but not so much. My friend Suzan from high school, whose son died in April, is having his memorial service tomorrow. I rode over here with one of Suzan's dear friends, Karen O'Brien. And coincidentally she was married to Mike O'Brien who went to our high school. He and Charles were friends while Suzan and I were friends with his younger sister. Karen's husband and Suzan's husband (both Mikes) were friends from graduate school and both couples were close friends after that. Mike O'Brien died 12 years ago from ALS and she has remained in close contact with Suzan and Mike since then. She lives about 30 minutes from me and we had lunch last week to get acquainted, then drove over together today. And now she is a good friend of mine. What a small world.
But back to the pralines... I have to admit I forgot about it until we got back to our hotel, but they had alligator sugar cookies at the front desk and I made an executive decision to substitute a cookie for a praline (eat your heart out, Gretchen... it's delicious).
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Pink Day
Not to be confused with anything breast cancer related, National Pink Day celebrates the pink colors of summer. I actually wore pink today, but forgot to take a pic before I changed clothes to walk the dogs. So here is a spot of pink on my patio.
I visited Sage this morning and then went to drink wine with the ladies this afternoon. We tried a new place and loved it. The fact that our waiter was just adorable didn't hurt, but the manager even came over and told us if we let him know ahead of time before we come in next, he will offer us better deals on our wine. Now there's a man after our own hearts (or pocketbooks). Even though we only go every other week, we all decided to go again next week so he doesn't forget us. A good day!
I visited Sage this morning and then went to drink wine with the ladies this afternoon. We tried a new place and loved it. The fact that our waiter was just adorable didn't hurt, but the manager even came over and told us if we let him know ahead of time before we come in next, he will offer us better deals on our wine. Now there's a man after our own hearts (or pocketbooks). Even though we only go every other week, we all decided to go again next week so he doesn't forget us. A good day!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Onion Rings Day
I went to Sonic at lunch to get some onion rings, something I eat very rarely. I was delighted to find I could order the mini size which was three rings for a $1... perfect! While waiting in line it reminded me of the last time I took Dad to the barber shop for a haircut. After he was done he asked me if we could go to Sonic for onion rings. I know he loved them and didn't get to eat them very often as he tried to be healthy in his later years. But why not when he had leukemia and knew his days were numbered? I was so happy to share that with him (although I didn't share the onion rings).
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Peaches 'n' Cream Day
I didn't mind this one because the peaches were really sweet. And that's all I have to say about that!
I colored with the neighbor ladies this afternoon and will be going to a meeting tonight of the Cinco Ranch Giving Circle. I just recently joined although I haven't met anyone in the group just yet. It's an organization intended to strengthen the community by collectively investing in projects or organizations that will benefit people in and around the Katy area. Seems like a great idea for only $10 a month. We'll see.
I colored with the neighbor ladies this afternoon and will be going to a meeting tonight of the Cinco Ranch Giving Circle. I just recently joined although I haven't met anyone in the group just yet. It's an organization intended to strengthen the community by collectively investing in projects or organizations that will benefit people in and around the Katy area. Seems like a great idea for only $10 a month. We'll see.
Monday, June 20, 2016
First Day of Summer
Whoever decided this is the date for the first day of summer obviously didn't live in Houston. It's been brutally hot for a few weeks now and I'm already sick of it.
I went to the cardiologist this morning to get the results from all my tests last week. Stress test and echo cardiogram were normal, but the heart monitor I wore for 24 hours showed some abnormalities. There seems to be a problem with my heart's electrical conduction system but it's not really a big deal. The doctor said I'm on the cusp of needing a pacemaker, but added that I really just need to be monitored by a heart rhythm specialist for now. So that's my next stop. In the meantime, I'm to eat more salt and stay well hydrated, especially if I'm out in the heat. The only time I really am is walking the dogs in the morning and I'm trying to cut back, but it's not easy... short walks are boring walks. I'm going to start water aerobics tomorrow, which will help burn extra calories, so Glory is really the only one who will suffer. Too bad, so sad!
I went to the cardiologist this morning to get the results from all my tests last week. Stress test and echo cardiogram were normal, but the heart monitor I wore for 24 hours showed some abnormalities. There seems to be a problem with my heart's electrical conduction system but it's not really a big deal. The doctor said I'm on the cusp of needing a pacemaker, but added that I really just need to be monitored by a heart rhythm specialist for now. So that's my next stop. In the meantime, I'm to eat more salt and stay well hydrated, especially if I'm out in the heat. The only time I really am is walking the dogs in the morning and I'm trying to cut back, but it's not easy... short walks are boring walks. I'm going to start water aerobics tomorrow, which will help burn extra calories, so Glory is really the only one who will suffer. Too bad, so sad!
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Martini Day
I made a lemon drop martini for a pre-dinner cocktail. But I do confess that I didn't finish it because it's very, very sweet. I prefer a dirty martini, but don't make them very well, so went with this one. Granted it's also Father's Day and I thought of Dad a lot today, but chose to have a martini rather than a Clamato and vodka.
I visited Sage this morning and she is extremely antsy. She's supposed to be going home by the end of the month, but they don't tell the girls the date they're leaving, which obviously creates a great deal of anxiety. But I took some nail polish and we did each other's nails, which hopefully gave her a little break from worrying.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
International Sushi Day
I love a good sushi roll and am glad that my local HEB makes some excellent ones. I got there too early this morning for a wide selection, but I'd never tried this one before and really liked it.

And on my way home I drove past this pond in my neighborhood. When I'm walking the dogs in the morning or evening, the water lilies are closed, so I was really surprised to see how pretty they are during the day.It was a lovely surprise!

And on my way home I drove past this pond in my neighborhood. When I'm walking the dogs in the morning or evening, the water lilies are closed, so I was really surprised to see how pretty they are during the day.It was a lovely surprise!
Friday, June 17, 2016
Eat Your Vegetables Day
Seriously? The day after Veggies Day is Eat Your Vegetables Day? Who names these days and why can't they coordinate better? Anyway, our dinner group went to an Italian restaurant tonight and we had a choice of sides... pasta or vegetables. Normally I'd choose pasta, but in honor of the day, I picked vegetables. Let's face it, it was definitely a healthier option. And while most of us loved the food, our bread had mold on it and wine was $10 a glass. When our leader complained to the owner, he just shrugged his shoulders and went back to his phone. And that's how a restaurant is taken off our rotation list.

Taken outside the UPS store this morning... cracks me up!

Taken outside the UPS store this morning... cracks me up!
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Fresh Veggies Day
Now we're talkin! There should be more of these days and fewer dessert days (you wouldn't believe how many I pass on). One of the few things I make on a regular basis is fresh spinach with sliced garlic. So that was my veggie for tonight to go with my salmon burger, freshly made at HEB with cranberries and gorgonzola cheese... yum!
I played Rummikub at the clubhouse this afternoon for the first time. Different games are played every afternoon and many evenings, but I'm just not into sitting and playing games (yet). I figure that's something I can do when I can't get out and about. And that's the beauty of a place like this. Damned glad to be here!
I played Rummikub at the clubhouse this afternoon for the first time. Different games are played every afternoon and many evenings, but I'm just not into sitting and playing games (yet). I figure that's something I can do when I can't get out and about. And that's the beauty of a place like this. Damned glad to be here!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Smile Power Day
I had my stress test and echo cardiogram this morning and so had lots of opportunities to smile at all the people who helped me through it. I dressed comfortably with tennis shoes as instructed, but learned when I got there that I would not be using the treadmill. Apparently my doctor ordered a chemical stress test because she was concerned that I would get dizzy and fall on the treadmill. I know otherwise, but it wasn't my call. So chemicals were injected into my veins which caused stress to my heart. It was the weirdest unpleasant feeling I've ever experienced. Even though I was lying down, I felt like I was working out hard. Luckily it lasted less than 10 minutes, but took me almost 30 minutes to recover. I would much rather have been on the treadmill.
During the echo cardiogram, which is just an ultrasound if you're like me and have no clue, there was a trainee present. As it was happening, I looked at the screen and was pretty sure I saw a baby, but the technician assured me if it was, he'd call Oprah to do the interview. When he was done, he asked if the trainee could practice a bit. I told them since I had been a teacher, I certainly didn't mind helping a student. As the new guy took over, I did tell him that he was applying much more pressure than the first guy. And he was so appreciative. I smiled broadly and told him it was my pleasure.
During the echo cardiogram, which is just an ultrasound if you're like me and have no clue, there was a trainee present. As it was happening, I looked at the screen and was pretty sure I saw a baby, but the technician assured me if it was, he'd call Oprah to do the interview. When he was done, he asked if the trainee could practice a bit. I told them since I had been a teacher, I certainly didn't mind helping a student. As the new guy took over, I did tell him that he was applying much more pressure than the first guy. And he was so appreciative. I smiled broadly and told him it was my pleasure.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Flag Day
I took this photo on our evening walk. How I love seeing flags flying in the neighborhood, thanks to our local veterans group. And today especially, after our nation suffered another horrendous attack. I offer my love and prayers to the families and friends of those who died and can only hope that this time something will change. But I'm not very hopeful.
I wore my flag shirt today and even put a flag stamp on my quarterly payment to the IRS. So I think I celebrated appropriately.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Kitchen Klutzes of America Day
I wouldn't exactly describe myself as a klutz in the kitchen, but I'm sure a far cry from Julia Child. I don't think I've ever started a fire, but I've cut myself numerous times just trying to peel something. That's just not a skill I've mastered. Fortunately I don't really cook anymore now that I have access to so much good prepared food, so I'm very happy that I don't have to worry about it.
I went to the cardiologist today in accordance with the ER doctor's orders. I'm now wearing a hear monitor for 24 hours and then on Wednesday, go for a stress test and some other kind of test. Then back to the doctor next Monday. She was concerned about my low blood pressure. They took it four times and it averaged around 88 over 50... a bit lower than normal. And as I was leaving, she said, "I don't say this to many people but you need to eat more salt." She also emphasized that I need to stay well hydrated, so I guess I have my homework. It took so long to eliminate salt from my diet that I'm not sure how to bring it back. Guess I'll figure it out.
I went to the cardiologist today in accordance with the ER doctor's orders. I'm now wearing a hear monitor for 24 hours and then on Wednesday, go for a stress test and some other kind of test. Then back to the doctor next Monday. She was concerned about my low blood pressure. They took it four times and it averaged around 88 over 50... a bit lower than normal. And as I was leaving, she said, "I don't say this to many people but you need to eat more salt." She also emphasized that I need to stay well hydrated, so I guess I have my homework. It took so long to eliminate salt from my diet that I'm not sure how to bring it back. Guess I'll figure it out.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Loving Day
Loving Day is an annual celebration that commemorates the anniversary of the 1967 Supreme Court decision Loving vs. Virginia. Mildred and Richard Loving, an interracial couple, married in Washington DC in 1958. They lived in Virginia and when they returned home, learned that interracial marriage was illegal. To avoid jail time they agreed to leave the state. They moved to Washington and began a legal battle that culminated with the Supreme Court striking down laws in 16 states banning interracial marriage. They moved back to Virginia and raised three children. How appropriate that their last name was Loving and we should be grateful for their courage.
I stayed in today and hope that all the people of Katy thank me for our rainstorm this afternoon. I watered this morning for the first time in weeks and there you have it.
I stayed in today and hope that all the people of Katy thank me for our rainstorm this afternoon. I watered this morning for the first time in weeks and there you have it.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Belmont Stakes
We didn't have a party for this race, but I did watch it, so that counts. I get so involved in the jockey stories that I always root for the one with the most inspirational story. The jockey riding Exaggerator, who won the Preakness, was recently released from an alcohol treatment center and was so proud of his sobriety. He lost, so I sure hope he doesn't go back to the bottle. That would be too sad!
I drove to the Heights for a late lunch with Roy, Sally, and Allison. The restaurants there are all different and cool and most are very good... no chains. Today was no exception, but it was mostly sandwiches, which of course, I can't bite into. I really didn't want to use a knife and fork, so just ordered a bowl of soup. Still good.
I drove to the Heights for a late lunch with Roy, Sally, and Allison. The restaurants there are all different and cool and most are very good... no chains. Today was no exception, but it was mostly sandwiches, which of course, I can't bite into. I really didn't want to use a knife and fork, so just ordered a bowl of soup. Still good.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Iced Tea Day

Thursday, June 9, 2016
Donald Duck Day
So what can I say about this? Not much. Donald was definitely part of my childhood, but never really my favorite character. Come to think of it, I don't believe I can even name a favorite character. Probably why I still don't like animation to this day. I suppose it's because I have no imagination.
I had a quiet day today and was happy for it. This evening I went out with the winers group. First wine I've had in almost two weeks, but it went down just as easily as before. I did just have one glass, however, since I had to walk the dogs when I got home. Can't be too careful!
I had a quiet day today and was happy for it. This evening I went out with the winers group. First wine I've had in almost two weeks, but it went down just as easily as before. I did just have one glass, however, since I had to walk the dogs when I got home. Can't be too careful!
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Best Friends Day
As far back as I can remember, I've had a best friend. Junie Watson was the first in Victoria when I was 6, followed by Marilyn Brooks in elementary school (after we moved to Midland), Candy Combs in junior high, and Suzan Brown in high school. We moved every four or five years, but I was fortunate to always find a best friend. In college it was my roommate and once I moved to Houston, Shirley Andries took the spot for almost 40 years. In Heber Springs I was delighted to meet Gretchen who got me through the years with Mom.
I'm not really in touch with most of those friends anymore, but do still communicate regularly with Suzan, Shirley, and Gretchen. Since moving to Katy I don't really have one best friend, but more friends than I can count. My brothers, my cousins (and Kay), and my neighbors are all people I hold dear. And I thank God for all of them.
I'm not really in touch with most of those friends anymore, but do still communicate regularly with Suzan, Shirley, and Gretchen. Since moving to Katy I don't really have one best friend, but more friends than I can count. My brothers, my cousins (and Kay), and my neighbors are all people I hold dear. And I thank God for all of them.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Chocolate Ice Cream Day
Not realizing what I would be celebrating today, yesterday I bought some chocolate and peanut butter ice cream that is 150 calories per pint. I thought I'd found the holy grail until I came home and tasted it. Yuck! So I mixed some with Cool Whip today and it was much better. I shouldn't have been so naive. How could it possibly have tasted like real ice cream?
This morning my temporary bridge came out and I cried a little when I looked in the mirror. Now I'm officially old! I can't believe I have no front teeth, but I suppose I'll forget all about it once I get the permanent bridge. I went back to the dentist's office and was told the swelling had pushed it out. Good thing because if that ever happens in public, I'll be mortified!
I've started a coloring group in my neighborhood and we met this afternoon for the first time at the clubhouse. There were 11 of us and everyone brought their own supplies. It was fun because we just visited while we colored and it was much more enjoyable than coloring alone. We'll meet once or twice a month and will probably bring wine in the future. That'll make it even more fun.
This morning my temporary bridge came out and I cried a little when I looked in the mirror. Now I'm officially old! I can't believe I have no front teeth, but I suppose I'll forget all about it once I get the permanent bridge. I went back to the dentist's office and was told the swelling had pushed it out. Good thing because if that ever happens in public, I'll be mortified!
I've started a coloring group in my neighborhood and we met this afternoon for the first time at the clubhouse. There were 11 of us and everyone brought their own supplies. It was fun because we just visited while we colored and it was much more enjoyable than coloring alone. We'll meet once or twice a month and will probably bring wine in the future. That'll make it even more fun.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Eyewear Day
Now here's something I know a lot about. I've been grateful for glasses since I was eight. although by the time I was in high school, it was all about contact lenses, which I wore from 16 to 45 when I had Lasik surgery. My vision wasn't perfect, so had to go back to glasses. But it didn't bother me then because they weren't coke bottle thick.
Spectacles have been around for about seven centuries, but early versions were only worn by monks and scholars. It wasn’t until the the printing press was invented in 1452 and more people were learning to read that the demand for eyewear grew. Bet you didn't know that.
I'm happy to report that my mouth surgery went very well this morning and was much easier than the dental work last week. I had no idea but sure am thrilled about it. When the doc was out of the room I snapped a pic of my X-ray. Pretty clean break, huh? Thank God it was just the one!
Spectacles have been around for about seven centuries, but early versions were only worn by monks and scholars. It wasn’t until the the printing press was invented in 1452 and more people were learning to read that the demand for eyewear grew. Bet you didn't know that.

Sunday, June 5, 2016
International Frozen Yogurt Day
Normally I never eat frozen yogurt, but since I busted up my lip, really cold foods feel good on it. So I certainly couldn't pass this day up.
Kay and I went downtown this afternoon to see Beautiful, a musical about the life and music of Carole King. It was one of the best shows I've seen in a very long time, probably because I've always loved her music. But what I didn't know is that she wrote many hit songs for Motown groups in the early 60's. A great way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Kay and I went downtown this afternoon to see Beautiful, a musical about the life and music of Carole King. It was one of the best shows I've seen in a very long time, probably because I've always loved her music. But what I didn't know is that she wrote many hit songs for Motown groups in the early 60's. A great way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Cheese Day
After dinner I started to blog and remembered that I hadn't eaten any cheese. So I scooted to the kitchen, got some out and shared it with my furry friends. We love cheese!
I took this picture this afternoon as I was going to get some frozen yogurt. I didn't even use a zoom... those little guys were just resting outside the strip center with no concerns about people coming and going. It was quite odd.
I went to see Sage today and she was again very reticent for most of our time together. Then shortly before I was scheduled to leave, she said that she didn't like the way I'd been treating her the last few weeks. While I thought I was offering words of wisdom in preparation for her release, she felt like I was lecturing her and said she's tired of everyone telling her the same things. She does see a therapist, her case worker, and speaks to her case manager on the phone. And I suppose we do all say the same things, thinking what she needs is advice before she's thrown back into her same environment. However, she firmly stated that she wants us to express our faith in her to do what she knows is right and offer more encouragement. I apologized profusely and told her how much I respected her for bringing this up and letting me know how she feels. And I promised her it won't happen again. I'm still learning how to deal with these girls and I really appreciated her honesty. I'm not so sure I could have done that.
I took this picture this afternoon as I was going to get some frozen yogurt. I didn't even use a zoom... those little guys were just resting outside the strip center with no concerns about people coming and going. It was quite odd.
I went to see Sage today and she was again very reticent for most of our time together. Then shortly before I was scheduled to leave, she said that she didn't like the way I'd been treating her the last few weeks. While I thought I was offering words of wisdom in preparation for her release, she felt like I was lecturing her and said she's tired of everyone telling her the same things. She does see a therapist, her case worker, and speaks to her case manager on the phone. And I suppose we do all say the same things, thinking what she needs is advice before she's thrown back into her same environment. However, she firmly stated that she wants us to express our faith in her to do what she knows is right and offer more encouragement. I apologized profusely and told her how much I respected her for bringing this up and letting me know how she feels. And I promised her it won't happen again. I'm still learning how to deal with these girls and I really appreciated her honesty. I'm not so sure I could have done that.
Friday, June 3, 2016
National Egg Day
This is not to be confused with World Egg Day, which is in October, just in case you were wondering. For dinner tonight I made an omelet with spinach, turkey bacon, and cheese (notice no wine... I can't remember the last time I went this long without wine). I'm trying to prepare all my meals so they can be eaten with a fork since I can't bite down on anything. However, yesterday I did have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, which I cut with a fork. I'm learning.
I'm so lucky in so many ways, but a huge one now is that I'm surrounded by flooded areas, but remain dry. All I can do is pray for those who are losing everything and especially for the families of those who have died. Such a terrible disaster.
I'm so lucky in so many ways, but a huge one now is that I'm surrounded by flooded areas, but remain dry. All I can do is pray for those who are losing everything and especially for the families of those who have died. Such a terrible disaster.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
I Love My Dentist Day
What a coincidence! I actually haven't been to my dentist enough to know if I love him or not, but knew today would tell the tale. I was terrified that he would bump my huge bottom lip, although knew it would be hard not to. He worked in my mouth for at least a half hour and I was fortunate that it was my top tooth he was removing. But he did a great job and now I do love my dentist!
I got a temporary tooth which I'll have to wear for at least nine weeks. Tomorrow I'll make an appointment with an oral surgeon to get the root of the tooth out and then have to wait six weeks after the surgery before he can start on the bridge. That will take three more weeks. And for all that time I'm not to bite into anything so the temporary won't pop out. I'm pretty sure it's a given that it will happen at least once and that scares the crap out of me, so I hope I'll remember to be very careful. And you're welcome that I haven't posted any photos. I look like a monster.
I got a temporary tooth which I'll have to wear for at least nine weeks. Tomorrow I'll make an appointment with an oral surgeon to get the root of the tooth out and then have to wait six weeks after the surgery before he can start on the bridge. That will take three more weeks. And for all that time I'm not to bite into anything so the temporary won't pop out. I'm pretty sure it's a given that it will happen at least once and that scares the crap out of me, so I hope I'll remember to be very careful. And you're welcome that I haven't posted any photos. I look like a monster.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Go Barefoot Day
I'm not supposed to go barefoot anymore per my podiatrist, but I do occasionally, so I was happy to comply for the day's celebration.
For some reason I wrote yesterday's blog but didn't publish it. It's directly under this one, and since I stayed pretty low-key today, just read yesterday's.
What You Think Upon Grows Day
This is a day to celebrate positive thinking based on the birthday of Norman Vincent Peale.
My lip was fatter and sorer today and unfortunately, it was my last day to see the kids. They get out at noon on Thursday and have class parties tomorrow, so I had no choice. Any other week I'd have canceled. But the good news is that kids aren't easily grossed out and they didn't think much about it after I explained what happened. The bad news is that their aunt and grandparents were leaving when I came in and wanted to thank me for all I've done. It was very uncomfortable for me and I didn't really speak to them as much as I'd liked.

Doctor appointment is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Baby steps.
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