Saturday, June 4, 2016

Cheese Day

After dinner I started to blog and remembered that I hadn't eaten any cheese. So I scooted to the kitchen, got some out and shared it with my furry friends. We love cheese!

I took this picture this afternoon as I was going to get some frozen yogurt. I didn't even use a zoom... those little guys were just resting outside the strip center with no concerns about people coming and going. It was quite odd.

I went to see Sage today and she was again very reticent for most of our time together. Then shortly before I was scheduled to leave, she said that she didn't like the way I'd been treating her the last few weeks. While I thought I was offering words of wisdom in preparation for her release, she felt like I was lecturing her and said she's tired of everyone telling her the same things. She does see a therapist, her case worker, and speaks to her case manager on the phone. And I suppose we do all say the same things, thinking what she needs is advice before she's thrown back into her same environment. However, she firmly stated that she wants us to express our faith in her to do what she knows is right and offer more encouragement. I apologized profusely and told her how much I respected her for bringing this up and letting me know how she feels. And I promised her it won't happen again. I'm still learning how to deal with these girls and I really appreciated her honesty. I'm not so sure I could have done that.

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