Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Week of Simon

Waiting for blood test results. I think I was pretty slow on the uptake as Simon's excessive thirst and peeing has gotten worse and worse. He's been a thirsty little guy ever since I got him four years ago and the increase was so gradual that I just waited till his annual checkup to tell the vet. As I posted on Facebook, I learned he's diabetic and needs insulin injections twice a day. This is something I said I'd never do, but it's not as expensive as I thought and he doesn't even realize I'm doing it. Glory, however, would be a completely different story so I'm thankful it's my little buddy and not her.

My other sad news this week is that Brianna, the girl I mentored at Krause House, left earlier that expected and they didn't tell me until after she was gone. This happened once before and it just breaks my heart because I didn't get to tell them goodbye. I asked her case manager if I could write her a note and she said yes, but there were no guarantees she would get it. And to make matters worse, I quickly got an email from another therapist asking when I could come meet my new mentee! I'm so angry at how all this is handled and just can't jump right back in. But after further thought, I realized that I would only be punishing the girl and not the staff. I've decided to start again, but will also write a letter to the director expressing my concerns about the program.

And if you're still reading (I realize this is long), I had another session tutoring Aladdin yesterday and it wasn't quite as smooth as the first week. But his mother was out of town and his dad told me he was missing her, so that explained a lot. I find that I'm actually having to do a lesson plan each week, but I really don't mind because I do want to help him. Only time will tell.

Next Sunday I'll be in New York with Kay and Jack and plan on blogging, but not promising, as it will be our first day. Can't wait!

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