Well, dammit! I'm back in the boot for four more weeks. I had an MRI done on Monday because even though the two cortisone shots helped greatly, there was still pain and I just knew something was wrong. Turns out, the MRI showed a stress fracture that didn't show up on the x-rays. The doctor said I need to wear the boot constantly, except when I'm showering, sleeping, or driving. He even had the nerve to say that when I get up during the night, I should put it on. Seriously? Like that's gonna happen!
So I came home after my appointment this morning and drank a beer. I mean I had to celebrate at some point and that seemed like the perfect time. This evening we were having wine time at one of the ladies' homes, so I thought as long as I was staying in the neighborhood, I'd try to drive. Turns out I can drive in the boot. So now I'm more likely to wear it all the time because it was a real pain in the butt to take it off, put on a shoe, and then upon arriving at my destination, strapping it back on again. Maybe it can heal now. Fingers crossed!
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