What luck! I just happened to have a sweet potato in the pantry, so enjoyed it baked with butter for dinner. One of my favorite fast and easy meals.
I went with three friends to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 this afternoon. We went to one of those fancy new theaters where you can order food and alcoholic beverages during the movie. I had a glass of chardonnay because, let's face it... it was a wedding. I might have had more except hate to get up to pee during a movie. It was still fun!
It's now 2017 and after almost seven years of daily blogging, I'm now writing only once a week, on Sundays. Stop by anytime!
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Pencil Day
This is Thomas, the second grader who I tutor. Without question, he's a handful, but at least we get his homework done. He had a full blown tantrum in the front yard because he didn't want to come in and his dad's response was to hug him, kiss him, and tell him that he loved him. I waited patiently because all that was happening on the clock, but as you can see... once he's in the house, he's fine. I know I shouldn't be critical of anyone's parenting skills since I never did it, but come on!
Hymen Lipman received the first patent for attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil on this day in 1858. Although apparently, there was already a patent in place. And now, who really cares? Not I.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
I can't go to the elementary school this week due to state testing, so was thrilled to look at my calendar this morning and see NOTHING! It was kind of a crappy day, so I painted a light fixture that I'm hoping to have hung very soon. Then, because of the day, I loaded the dogs in the car (Simon loves to ride, Glory goes along because she doesn't want to be left home alone) and headed to the groomer. The woman that owns it is just lovely and I never buy anything there because she's more expensive than Costco or Amazon. So I was so excited to find a basket of sweet potato chews that I used to buy from Amazon, but quit when I found something cheaper. And they were 50 percent off, so I bought the last three bags. I told her about the national day and she said she hates it when her husband calls it a mom and pop business. I suggested she tell him about the business it brought in today (I spent $34), but I doubt she will.
So the dogs are happy and now I'm headed to a neighbor's to watch The Voice. Love that show.
So the dogs are happy and now I'm headed to a neighbor's to watch The Voice. Love that show.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Something on a Stick Day
I bet you didn't think about popsicles, did you? Well, I always keep some in the fridge for hot summer days and still had some from last summer, so sat outside with the dogs this afternoon and enjoyed a frozen pop.
But the best part of my day was lunch. I met Betty and Mike in the Heights (Betty is a dear friend from my oil bidness days). They've been a staple at my New Orleans birthday parties, as well as many other happy days from the 80's and 90's.
In December, Mike had a pain in his back, went to the doctor, and many tests later, was diagnosed with multiple tumors in his body, the main one on his kidney. I knew that he was going to have to have his kidney removed and that he was participating in a research study for immunotherapy at MD Anderson, but actually knew little else because I was getting all my information from emails.
I'm ashamed to say that I was afraid to call because I just couldn't imagine that there would be any good news. I did instigate the lunch and am so happy I did. He looks great and his treatment has been very successful. The pain is gone and the treatment is so much easier than chemo or radiation. As of today, his prognosis is good. He'll have his kidney removed at the end of April and they'll know more at that time. But I've learned a valuable lesson... don't avoid those you love out of fear of what they're going through. Dive right in and take the good with the bad. But thank God, so far it's good!
But the best part of my day was lunch. I met Betty and Mike in the Heights (Betty is a dear friend from my oil bidness days). They've been a staple at my New Orleans birthday parties, as well as many other happy days from the 80's and 90's.
In December, Mike had a pain in his back, went to the doctor, and many tests later, was diagnosed with multiple tumors in his body, the main one on his kidney. I knew that he was going to have to have his kidney removed and that he was participating in a research study for immunotherapy at MD Anderson, but actually knew little else because I was getting all my information from emails.
I'm ashamed to say that I was afraid to call because I just couldn't imagine that there would be any good news. I did instigate the lunch and am so happy I did. He looks great and his treatment has been very successful. The pain is gone and the treatment is so much easier than chemo or radiation. As of today, his prognosis is good. He'll have his kidney removed at the end of April and they'll know more at that time. But I've learned a valuable lesson... don't avoid those you love out of fear of what they're going through. Dive right in and take the good with the bad. But thank God, so far it's good!
Sunday, March 27, 2016
I spent an hour with Sage this morning and took her a little Easter gift of hand cream and a chocolate bunny. We had a good discussion, as always, and we both enjoyed our time together.
Then I headed to Kay's house for a Kubik Easter celebration. Kay's husband, Jack, is one of five children and they were all there with their kids and grandkids. Lunch was wonderful and I was happy reconnecting with many of the folks I haven't seen since Kay and Jack's wedding in 1975. I had to leave before the egg hunt, but I'm sure all the kids went crazy. I know for a fact there were lots and lots of eggs. The bunny was busy this morning!
And then this evening I watched Jesus Christ Superstar. My tradition has always been to listen to the music on Easter, but now with streaming, I can actually watch the movie. I think it's exceptional and never grow tired of it.
Then I headed to Kay's house for a Kubik Easter celebration. Kay's husband, Jack, is one of five children and they were all there with their kids and grandkids. Lunch was wonderful and I was happy reconnecting with many of the folks I haven't seen since Kay and Jack's wedding in 1975. I had to leave before the egg hunt, but I'm sure all the kids went crazy. I know for a fact there were lots and lots of eggs. The bunny was busy this morning!
And then this evening I watched Jesus Christ Superstar. My tradition has always been to listen to the music on Easter, but now with streaming, I can actually watch the movie. I think it's exceptional and never grow tired of it.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Spinach Day
Oh my gosh, what a day I've had. I met Kay at Federal Grill for lunch before we headed downtown to see Cabaret. We were both stopped by a train on our way to Federal, which already set us back a little timewise. Our lunch was great, but we had some issues getting to the theater. We got stopped by another train, which wasn't moving, so kept finding side streets to avoid the stoppage. Then, for some reason, we had a horrible time finding our way to the parking garage... maybe because we were coming a different way due to our detours or maybe because we had a couple of drinks at lunch (I'm going with the former). We found a parking place with 10 minutes to spare and hustled our way to the theater. When we presented our tickets, the very nice lady pointed out that they were for the evening performance and not the matinee. The two tickets cost $253 plus $10 for parking and I'm the one that bought them. Oops!!! I did give the tickets to the lady in the ticket booth and told her to offer them to someone else since they were very good seats. And Kay couldn't have been nicer, saying that she makes those kinds of mistakes regularly. Because I'd had two glasses of wine with lunch, I wasn't horrified, but suggested that we do something else. She agreed.
So I texted Roy and asked if he wanted to meet us somewhere in the Heights for beers. It was a beautiful day and he was agreeable, so we sat outside, drank some beer, and had some fun (lemonade out of lemons). Kay had never met Roy so I'm glad it happened and he even bought the beer. What a guy!
So for Spinach Day, I had spinach in my smoothie for breakfast, a spinach salad for lunch, and cooked spinach with my dinner. I'm not exactly sure we had $253 with of fun, but at least it wasn't a disaster and I ate spinach all day. God love Kay!
So I texted Roy and asked if he wanted to meet us somewhere in the Heights for beers. It was a beautiful day and he was agreeable, so we sat outside, drank some beer, and had some fun (lemonade out of lemons). Kay had never met Roy so I'm glad it happened and he even bought the beer. What a guy!
So for Spinach Day, I had spinach in my smoothie for breakfast, a spinach salad for lunch, and cooked spinach with my dinner. I'm not exactly sure we had $253 with of fun, but at least it wasn't a disaster and I ate spinach all day. God love Kay!
Friday, March 25, 2016
National Noodle Month
I didn't like my choices for today, so went with the noodles. For lunch I had chicken noodle soup made at Costco with rotisserie chicken. Sure beats Campbell's, which I used to think was delicious when I was a child.
We had a large group for dinner tonight and are always amazed at these restaurants who don't bat an eye when we ask for separate checks for 14 women. The food, the wine, and the company was wonderful and the manager even sent us four desserts to share. It doesn't take much to make me happy and free desserts is one of the many ways. O happy day!
We had a large group for dinner tonight and are always amazed at these restaurants who don't bat an eye when we ask for separate checks for 14 women. The food, the wine, and the company was wonderful and the manager even sent us four desserts to share. It doesn't take much to make me happy and free desserts is one of the many ways. O happy day!
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Chocolate-Covered Raisin Day
I had no other choices for today, so just had to buy some Raisonets. The only place I knew I could find them was a movie theater, but decided to try CVS, as it was closer. Imagine my surprise to discover that they are now covered in dark chocolate. Perfect for me.
I was on my way to visit Brianna, my 4th grade girl, so took a chance that she would like them, too. And boy, did she! She didn't like her cafeteria lunch very much today (and I couldn't blame her), so I probably let her eat more than I should have. But how could I say no to that sweet face? She's a real bright spot in my life every week.
And now I'm off to drink wine with the Single Women Who Wine!
I was on my way to visit Brianna, my 4th grade girl, so took a chance that she would like them, too. And boy, did she! She didn't like her cafeteria lunch very much today (and I couldn't blame her), so I probably let her eat more than I should have. But how could I say no to that sweet face? She's a real bright spot in my life every week.
And now I'm off to drink wine with the Single Women Who Wine!
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Puppy Day
I'm certain we all know that there is absolutely no way I could have gone to see puppies today, because I just may have brought one home. I've never had a puppy because I don't feel strong enough to train them (kind of like children). But I found this photo that looks just like Bella would have looked as a puppy. Just adorable!
On a sadder note, when I took the dogs for a walk this afternoon, we happened upon a bunny, lying on the sidewalk and not moving. But he looked up at me with his big brown eyes and my heart broke. I obviously couldn't do anything about him with the dogs and Thomas was coming for tutoring very shortly, so I just prayed that someone would come by and take care of it, one way or another. I couldn't stand it, so after dinner, went back and he was gone. God bless my neighbors!
On a sadder note, when I took the dogs for a walk this afternoon, we happened upon a bunny, lying on the sidewalk and not moving. But he looked up at me with his big brown eyes and my heart broke. I obviously couldn't do anything about him with the dogs and Thomas was coming for tutoring very shortly, so I just prayed that someone would come by and take care of it, one way or another. I couldn't stand it, so after dinner, went back and he was gone. God bless my neighbors!
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
World Water Day
World Water Day is a day we need to focus on the importance of fresh water. I spent a little time researching for organizations I could donate to and then had an ah-hah moment. Charles, Karen, and John do so much good in Tanzania by distributing water filters, so what better way to celebrate this day than by donating to the One Book Foundation. And I feel like I made the best choice possible honoring them and their work.

And this is Mason, my 1st grade mentee. We were playing Jenga (which drives me nuts), but only had a few minutes left, so I challenged him to build the tallest tower he could. He was so proud and asked me to take his picture. We're not supposed to, but I just couldn't resist. I actually wanted to video him while he was telling me a story, but then realized that is what all parents and grandparents do. And now I get it. Probably a good thing I don't have any. I'd be obnoxious on social media.

And this is Mason, my 1st grade mentee. We were playing Jenga (which drives me nuts), but only had a few minutes left, so I challenged him to build the tallest tower he could. He was so proud and asked me to take his picture. We're not supposed to, but I just couldn't resist. I actually wanted to video him while he was telling me a story, but then realized that is what all parents and grandparents do. And now I get it. Probably a good thing I don't have any. I'd be obnoxious on social media.
Monday, March 21, 2016
California Strawberry Day
I happened to have some strawberries in the fridge, but had thrown away the container, so not 100% that they were from California. But they looked just like these which are from CA, so I'm assuming.
Spring break is over and Thomas came back today. I have to admit, I missed that little kid. And I don't care what anybody says about Common Core, I like it because it works. This is a boy with limited math skills, but he can now subtract three digit numbers by drawing a model, using an open number line, and the old fashioned way (which was the last method taught). And he understands what it all represents, rather than just memorizing a set of rules. Just because parents can't understand it, doesn't mean they should demonize it!
Spring break is over and Thomas came back today. I have to admit, I missed that little kid. And I don't care what anybody says about Common Core, I like it because it works. This is a boy with limited math skills, but he can now subtract three digit numbers by drawing a model, using an open number line, and the old fashioned way (which was the last method taught). And he understands what it all represents, rather than just memorizing a set of rules. Just because parents can't understand it, doesn't mean they should demonize it!
Sunday, March 20, 2016
First Day of Spring
Okay, I goofed yesterday. Who knew that the first day of spring moves around? If I ever did, I'd forgotten it until now. So here's a photo of the bottlebrush tree in the backyard, as the blooms are starting to erupt. But here's the deal... yesterday was also National Let's Laugh Day and I'm sure I did because I feel fairly certain that I laugh everyday. I'm grateful that we laughed a lot in our family. I always thought Dad was the one with the sense of humor until Mom started cracking us up in her 90's. Don't know if it was always there and we stifled her or if it sat dormant until she started fading. Regardless, she was very entertaining.
Yesterday was also National Poultry Day and I'm having chicken for dinner, so I'm covered. Sorry if I led anyone astray with my miscalculation (actually, I just looked at the wrong date). Oopsy!
Yesterday was also National Poultry Day and I'm having chicken for dinner, so I'm covered. Sorry if I led anyone astray with my miscalculation (actually, I just looked at the wrong date). Oopsy!
Saturday, March 19, 2016
First Day of Spring
Funny how the weather works. We've been having spring weather for the past two months and today March comes in like a lion, cold and windy. Ah well, we adapt.
Last year at this time I planted azaleas in my front yard, hoping to recreate the azalea bed Dad had at the house on Eden Isle. And all year long, they've languished, gradually losing all their leaves. I'd given them up for dead. So imagine my surprise when every single one of those little buggars was covered in blooms. I'm so happy! The tree on the right is a bottle brush and although it's not blooming yet, there are buds all over it.

And the bougainvillea, which was planted at the same time has also never bloomed until now. I'm just amazed.

As I started writing this, the dogs started barking at the window in the study. I glanced over and spotted these amaryllis buds. This was from a bulb I bought last winter and rather than tossing it after it quit blooming (as I usually do), I planted it. And I'll be damned if it's not gonna bloom, too. I love spring!
Last year at this time I planted azaleas in my front yard, hoping to recreate the azalea bed Dad had at the house on Eden Isle. And all year long, they've languished, gradually losing all their leaves. I'd given them up for dead. So imagine my surprise when every single one of those little buggars was covered in blooms. I'm so happy! The tree on the right is a bottle brush and although it's not blooming yet, there are buds all over it.

And the bougainvillea, which was planted at the same time has also never bloomed until now. I'm just amazed.

As I started writing this, the dogs started barking at the window in the study. I glanced over and spotted these amaryllis buds. This was from a bulb I bought last winter and rather than tossing it after it quit blooming (as I usually do), I planted it. And I'll be damned if it's not gonna bloom, too. I love spring!
Friday, March 18, 2016
World Sleep Day
This was certainly perfect timing for me. After going to bed late last night and with the onset of Daylight Saving Time, I was able to sleep an extra 30 minutes this morning. Glory gets me up with the daylight and since it doesn't get light quite so early, I got to sleep in. I also tried to take a little nap this afternoon, but I just have trouble napping. Perhaps because I sleep so well at night (thanks to my doctor prescribed meds).
I went to see Sage this morning due to spring break and was so glad I went. She had to have surgery on her hand Wednesday since she broke her pinkie last weekend in a fall. Understandably, she was a little depressed about it, but as usual, if she's down when I get there, she's always smiling when I leave. As am I. And I'm happy I'll see her again on Sunday. She needs as much cheering up as she can get and it works both ways.
I went to see Sage this morning due to spring break and was so glad I went. She had to have surgery on her hand Wednesday since she broke her pinkie last weekend in a fall. Understandably, she was a little depressed about it, but as usual, if she's down when I get there, she's always smiling when I leave. As am I. And I'm happy I'll see her again on Sunday. She needs as much cheering up as she can get and it works both ways.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Saint Patrick's Day
It's an hour past my bedtime, but I cooked corned beef and cabbage today and three friends came over for dinner. We had a little wine with our meal and then played dominoes (Mexican Train) till they just left. I can't write more because I still have to clean up the kitchen. Good thing it's spring break!
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Artichoke Hearts Day
So here's the deal... I had every intention of incorporating artichokes into a meal today. I went to the grocery store this morning and added artichoke hearts to my list. I bought some, but was meeting Kay for lunch today, so they'd have to be for dinner. After dinner, I opened the fridge to get the green beans that I add to Simon's food to help him lose weight (he loves them) and there was the can of artichokes, front and center. Too late, so I celebrated by buying them, but will have to consume them another day. I think that counts.
But Kay and I had a great lunch and afterward went to a friend of Natalie's (Kay's daughter) to pick up a backyard castle for sweet baby James. The friend lives in Katy in a huge and gorgeous house. She has four children, twin 2-year-old girls and 7- and 9-year-old boys. There is also a Great Dane and I was in awe. And the older I get, the more amazed I am at women with more than two children. God bless them all!
But Kay and I had a great lunch and afterward went to a friend of Natalie's (Kay's daughter) to pick up a backyard castle for sweet baby James. The friend lives in Katy in a huge and gorgeous house. She has four children, twin 2-year-old girls and 7- and 9-year-old boys. There is also a Great Dane and I was in awe. And the older I get, the more amazed I am at women with more than two children. God bless them all!
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Shoe the World Day
No need to beware the Ides of March. I really liked this one. I donated money to Soles4Souls, a disaster relief organization initially created to provide footwear to those most affected by the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Since 2006 Soles4Souls has collected and distributed 26 million pairs of shoes to those in need in 127 countries around the world and all 50 states in the U.S. What a deal!
Today was also the birthday of one of the wine ladies, so we went out for happy hour and celebrated to the fullest. One of the women had even baked a beautiful chocolate cake, which we took in with us. Fortunately, we spend enough money there that no one cared and we even shared a piece with our server. Life is good!
Today was also the birthday of one of the wine ladies, so we went out for happy hour and celebrated to the fullest. One of the women had even baked a beautiful chocolate cake, which we took in with us. Fortunately, we spend enough money there that no one cared and we even shared a piece with our server. Life is good!
Monday, March 14, 2016
Pi Day!!!
How about this dinner? I made a smoked salmon pizza with cream cheese, capers, and onions. Not only was it wonderful, but I even amazed myself with my creativity. All of this was even in my refrigerator... didn't have to buy a thing.
Interesting tidbit I never knew - today is also Albert Einstein's birthday. Kelly Ripa asked this morning if that was just a coincidence or was it planned. How embarrassing.
I'm also excited that I'm now on spring break... no school activities or tutoring. As much as I love them both, it's kind of exciting to feel the happiness of spring break. I always used to tell my students that I was never aware as a child, but teachers look forward to breaks just as much (or more) than the kids.
Interesting tidbit I never knew - today is also Albert Einstein's birthday. Kelly Ripa asked this morning if that was just a coincidence or was it planned. How embarrassing.
I'm also excited that I'm now on spring break... no school activities or tutoring. As much as I love them both, it's kind of exciting to feel the happiness of spring break. I always used to tell my students that I was never aware as a child, but teachers look forward to breaks just as much (or more) than the kids.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Good Samaritan Day
I was a little worried about today until I read the description which said to make an effort to help someone who is struggling or having a problem. Easy-peasy, since this was my day to visit Sage. Three out of the last four weeks, she's been sad or depressed when I got there and today was one of those days. She's close to being able to leave, but is worried because she won't have people like me or her therapist in her life anymore. I explained that her positive energy (which is so strong when she's happy) works like a magnet and that she will continue to attract people like us to her. Whether it's a teacher or someone she meets at church, there will always be people to guide her as long as she's receptive to it.
We started working a puzzle and by the time I left, she was happy again. She told me I always cheer her up and I explained that she does the same for me. I know I'm helping her, but she has no idea how much she helps me, too.
We started working a puzzle and by the time I left, she was happy again. She told me I always cheer her up and I explained that she does the same for me. I know I'm helping her, but she has no idea how much she helps me, too.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Plant a Flower Day
The garage sale went off without a hitch this morning (Bloody Mary's helped), although we didn't sell as much as we'd hoped. I was the high seller, making $116 and was happy I didn't have to bring any of the heavy stuff back home.
Although I was exhausted when we were done, I had to come home and plant a flower. I actually planted some Calla lily bulbs, so can't post a picture yet. I was so tired and dirty that my shower was actually the high point of the day.
It's also Girl Scout Day, which I didn't realize until after I'd planted the bulbs. Wish I'd known sooner because I took Girl Scout cookies to share at the garage sale and then I wouldn't have had to plant the bulbs. But now I'm glad it's done because that's the kind of thing I can put off indefinitely. I will sleep well tonight!
Although I was exhausted when we were done, I had to come home and plant a flower. I actually planted some Calla lily bulbs, so can't post a picture yet. I was so tired and dirty that my shower was actually the high point of the day.
It's also Girl Scout Day, which I didn't realize until after I'd planted the bulbs. Wish I'd known sooner because I took Girl Scout cookies to share at the garage sale and then I wouldn't have had to plant the bulbs. But now I'm glad it's done because that's the kind of thing I can put off indefinitely. I will sleep well tonight!
Friday, March 11, 2016
Middle Name Pride Day
My middle name is Kay and one reason I love it is that one of my best friend's name is Kay, as well as a cousin. Besides that, what else goes well with Penelope? I'm not sure how it was chosen for my middle name, but I have no complaints.
Heritage Grand (my neighborhood) is having our annual garage sale this weekend. It's the only time we're allowed to have garage sales and I haven't participated until this year. Six ladies in our gang went in together to have a sale. Tonight was the preview for residents only and tomorrow it will be open to the public. We made a party and had wine and food while neighbors stopped by to shop. It was a fun evening, although we didn't sell a lot. None of us were ready to do serious negotiating until tomorrow. And in the morning we'll have Bloody Mary's for the sales team. This is the only way to do a garage sale!
Heritage Grand (my neighborhood) is having our annual garage sale this weekend. It's the only time we're allowed to have garage sales and I haven't participated until this year. Six ladies in our gang went in together to have a sale. Tonight was the preview for residents only and tomorrow it will be open to the public. We made a party and had wine and food while neighbors stopped by to shop. It was a fun evening, although we didn't sell a lot. None of us were ready to do serious negotiating until tomorrow. And in the morning we'll have Bloody Mary's for the sales team. This is the only way to do a garage sale!
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Credit Education Month
Couldn't handle any of the celebratory days today, so had to go with the month. And here is my credit education for you... If you cannot pay your credit card bills in full every month, do not use you credit cards!!!
I got a cortisone shot in my foot today which has helped considerably. I can actually walk without limping for the first time in over a month and that makes me very happy. I go back again in two weeks for a follow up and am hoping for the best.
The wine group went out this evening and then two of the ladies came over to my house afterwards for another glass, which is why my blog is late. We didn't drink too much and got caught up on what we've all been doing. Sometimes small groups are better.
I got a cortisone shot in my foot today which has helped considerably. I can actually walk without limping for the first time in over a month and that makes me very happy. I go back again in two weeks for a follow up and am hoping for the best.
The wine group went out this evening and then two of the ladies came over to my house afterwards for another glass, which is why my blog is late. We didn't drink too much and got caught up on what we've all been doing. Sometimes small groups are better.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Crabmeat Day
Since I always have Costco crab cakes in my freezer, I had a lovely dinner tonight with a delicious chardonnay. Okay, maybe it's the same chardonnay I have every night, but it tastes especially good with seafood.
I had a fun visit with Mason today, as usual. I took my bifocals off while we played Chutes and Ladders because I don't need glasses for medium distance, such as computer usage. He was very curious as to why I took them off to play the game and asked, "So you don't really need glasses to see?" I explained that I need them mainly for driving and for reading small words. I could see him processing that, but at least the questions stopped.
And then when Thomas came for tutoring this afternoon, I had my glasses on when he came in, but took them off while we were working on his homework. And I'll be damned if he didn't ask the exact same question. His worksheets have very large print, so also not a problem. Again I explained and he, too, was content with the answer. I'm always surprised by how their little brains work... and I love it!
I had a fun visit with Mason today, as usual. I took my bifocals off while we played Chutes and Ladders because I don't need glasses for medium distance, such as computer usage. He was very curious as to why I took them off to play the game and asked, "So you don't really need glasses to see?" I explained that I need them mainly for driving and for reading small words. I could see him processing that, but at least the questions stopped.
And then when Thomas came for tutoring this afternoon, I had my glasses on when he came in, but took them off while we were working on his homework. And I'll be damned if he didn't ask the exact same question. His worksheets have very large print, so also not a problem. Again I explained and he, too, was content with the answer. I'm always surprised by how their little brains work... and I love it!
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
International Women's Day
I had a big afternoon at the races planned for today with my women buddies so we could celebrate, but alas... we had to cancel due to weather. Well, actually, we didn't have to cancel because now the big storm is supposedly coming in tonight. But you know how those TV weathermen are such alarmists.
But happily, I got an email from Kiva this afternoon that gave me reason to celebrate in the way I believe the day was intended. Kiva is a non-profit which invites people to lend money to men and women all over the world in order to alleviate poverty. I've been doing it for years... just $25 loans that are paid back over time and I've always chosen women in Africa. But the email stated that any loans made to women today would be matched by the Pepsi Foundation. And today I chose a woman over 60 in El Salvador to help her buy livestock. She makes milk and cheese to sell and also buys and sells livestock. All the participants use the money for some sort of business. I think it's a super organization and am thrilled that I got to help today.

Monday, March 7, 2016
Cereal Day
I normally don't eat cereal two days in a row (smoothies are my breakfast of choice), but it was definitely a must to celebrate the day. I learned from my mother to mix different cereals together and although I used to think it was silly, now I'm glad I did. It's a lot tastier to add a little healthy (sweet) granola to low-sugar bran flakes. She was wise in so many ways and I still miss her every day. Her influences on me were so subtle that I'm just now realizing some of them. What a wonderful woman and the perfect complement to our dad, who I also miss daily. But I'm so happy that I still feel them with me and hope I always will. Thank you, God, for my parents!
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Frozen Food Day
I started the day right with frozen blueberries on my cereal. Afterwards I went to visit Sage and we had a great visit. We always listen to gospel music and talk about faith and hope. I never knew when talking to Hope if anything I said sunk in, but Sage is a different story. I really believe she listens when I tell her that she needs to focus on taking care of herself and try to stop worrying about what's going to happen in five years. She worries way too much for a 16 year old. And she's always smiling when I leave, even if she's depressed when I get there, and my heart is filled with joy.
Later I met Roy for lunch, so no frozen food. But for dinner I ate leftovers. I didn't take the vegetables out of the freezer, but that's where they came from originally, so I'm good with my day's assignment. And it was a great day!
Later I met Roy for lunch, so no frozen food. But for dinner I ate leftovers. I didn't take the vegetables out of the freezer, but that's where they came from originally, so I'm good with my day's assignment. And it was a great day!
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Cheese Doodle Day
I much prefer Cheetos to cheese puffs, but made an exception for the day (not that I ever buy Cheetos). I'm not sure if I would have bought some, but Sharon's granddaughter, Bella, was coming over for tutoring this afternoon, so I figured I'd give her the rest of the bag to take home. The photo was my lunch and I'm not going to lie... I enjoyed it.
When Bella got here, I explained the situation and she was delighted! She ate the whole rest of the bag. Her mom, Emily, had taken Bella's brother to a soccer game and I had to laugh when Bella told me the soccer field was her personal hell. She was excited that she had an excuse to get out of it... this from a kid who hates math. We worked on math for an hour and then she helped me move stuff to the garage for the sale next weekend. Afterwards, she offered to walk the dogs and I certainly couldn't pass that up. She's a real sweetie!
When Bella got here, I explained the situation and she was delighted! She ate the whole rest of the bag. Her mom, Emily, had taken Bella's brother to a soccer game and I had to laugh when Bella told me the soccer field was her personal hell. She was excited that she had an excuse to get out of it... this from a kid who hates math. We worked on math for an hour and then she helped me move stuff to the garage for the sale next weekend. Afterwards, she offered to walk the dogs and I certainly couldn't pass that up. She's a real sweetie!
Friday, March 4, 2016
Pound Cake Day
I forgot to celebrate this at lunch, so had to do it after dinner out... too much food. I had strawberries left from Strawberry Day as well as some Lite Cool Whip, so had strawberry shortcake for dessert. It was good, but I probably didn't enjoy it as much as I would have if I'd had it with lunch. The best part of all this is that I'm so careful with everything else I eat on a sweets day, that I haven't gained any weight thus far. Hope I can stick with it.
I got my new glasses and went back to the ophthalmologist so she could double check with the prescription. The good news is that after the cataract surgery and switching from progressive lenses to bifocals, my vision is close to 20-30... the best it's been since I've moved to Katy and probably before that. With macular degeneration the progressive lenses don't give me the maximum vision field that I need to focus, but the bifocals do. Just have to get used to the line and then I'll be happy. Life is good!
I got my new glasses and went back to the ophthalmologist so she could double check with the prescription. The good news is that after the cataract surgery and switching from progressive lenses to bifocals, my vision is close to 20-30... the best it's been since I've moved to Katy and probably before that. With macular degeneration the progressive lenses don't give me the maximum vision field that I need to focus, but the bifocals do. Just have to get used to the line and then I'll be happy. Life is good!
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Cold Cuts Day
Not a big fan of the cold cuts, but when I read about the day and learned that prosciutto counted, I was in. Because my new favorite takeout place has prosciutto wrapped asparagus that I love and it's only $4 (called a small plate). I also think they have the best bread and oil in town and it was free... a bread basket full with the oil and seasoning. Wowzer!
This evening I attended a function honoring all the mentors in the school district. It was a lovely event, also with great food. I think I might be turning into a foodie and that makes me happy!
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Old Stuff Day
Man, I needed this one. Once, and only once, a year, the residents of Heritage Grand hold garage sales. I haven't participated in one yet, but it's coming up March 12th and five members of our wine group have decided to join forces and make it a party. The Friday evening before it's open to residents only and then Saturday morning will be open to the public. I've been putting off looking for items to sell, but on Old Stuff Day, how could I not? So I scoured cabinets and closets and came up with more than I expected. This should be fun, as I'm sure there will be wine involved on Friday evening and Bloody Mary's on Saturday morning. Can't wait... there's nothing I love more than getting rid of stuff, making money, and drinking with friends!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Pig Day
The website said hug one, read about one, or eat one to celebrate. Obviously I chose the last. I very rarely eat bacon, but had some in the freezer from when Rob was here last. I used to make omelets for Mom and me fairly regularly, but don't do it much anymore. This was a great dinner!
Today was election day and I'm so disappointed in this year's race. I usually vote for the lesser of two evils in the major races, but this was more serious than it's ever been. I can't stand candidates harping on each other's physical appearance. I pray for our country.
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