Last year at this time I planted azaleas in my front yard, hoping to recreate the azalea bed Dad had at the house on Eden Isle. And all year long, they've languished, gradually losing all their leaves. I'd given them up for dead. So imagine my surprise when every single one of those little buggars was covered in blooms. I'm so happy! The tree on the right is a bottle brush and although it's not blooming yet, there are buds all over it.

And the bougainvillea, which was planted at the same time has also never bloomed until now. I'm just amazed.

As I started writing this, the dogs started barking at the window in the study. I glanced over and spotted these amaryllis buds. This was from a bulb I bought last winter and rather than tossing it after it quit blooming (as I usually do), I planted it. And I'll be damned if it's not gonna bloom, too. I love spring!
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