Sunday, March 20, 2016

First Day of Spring

Okay, I goofed yesterday. Who knew that the first day of spring moves around? If I ever did, I'd forgotten it until now.  So here's a photo of the bottlebrush tree in the backyard, as the blooms are starting to erupt. But here's the deal... yesterday was also National Let's Laugh Day and I'm sure I did because I feel fairly certain that I laugh everyday. I'm grateful that we laughed a lot in our family. I always thought Dad was the one with the sense of humor until Mom started cracking us up in her 90's. Don't know if it was always there and we stifled her or if it sat dormant until she started fading. Regardless, she was very entertaining.

Yesterday was also National Poultry Day and I'm having chicken for dinner, so I'm covered. Sorry if I led anyone astray with my miscalculation (actually, I just looked at the wrong date). Oopsy!

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