Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Crabmeat Day

Since I always have Costco crab cakes in my freezer, I had a lovely dinner tonight with a delicious chardonnay. Okay, maybe it's the same chardonnay I have every night, but it tastes especially good with seafood.

I had a fun visit with Mason today, as usual. I took my bifocals off while we played Chutes and Ladders because I don't need glasses for medium distance, such as computer usage. He was very curious as to why I took them off to play the game and asked, "So you don't really need glasses to see?" I explained that I need them mainly for driving and for reading small words. I could see him processing that, but at least the questions stopped.

And then when Thomas came for tutoring this afternoon, I had my glasses on when he came in, but took them off while we were working on his homework. And I'll be damned if he didn't ask the exact same question. His worksheets have very large print, so also not a problem. Again I explained and he, too, was content with the answer. I'm always surprised by how their little brains work... and I love it!

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