Sunday, August 6, 2017

Another type of angel

This is Rachel with her two sons. Rachel does all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry (and seemingly a lot more) for Charles, Karen, and John. She's a good cook, always happy, and very special for putting up with three extra people for nine days. And when I say laundry, I mean bending over a tub on the ground and washing everything by hand. All the women there wash that way, but I'd love to see her tub on a table. Maybe she wouldn't like it, but it sure hurt my back just watching her. Her sons stopped by one day after school to meet us and were very polite, as were all the people we met.

I'm so happy that she is one of the many people taking care of my brother and his family. It sets my mind more at ease, especially because of her diligent work and cheerful attitude. They are so blessed to have her!

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