Sunday, August 13, 2017

First Day Out

This elephant was the first major animal that we saw and it was on the first day! Initially it was standing right in the middle of the road, but as we waited, we noticed it was obviously the lookout as four or five others crossed the road. It was really exciting, but it took a day for me to realize I wasn't watching some IMAX movie. I would love to relive that day, but I'll just have to wait till the next trip and hope for the best.

And we saw lots of baboon families, thankfully, because this was also the first day and I know I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have. They weren't even spooked by vehicles as the many gazelles and zebras were.

I've been back a month today and I still look at these photos daily. I'm so happy Charles, Karen, and John are there or I know I'd never have had this experience. I'm a lucky girl!

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