Sunday, January 3, 2016

Drinking Straw Day

This photo didn't turn out as planned and it's too late to recreate it. But there is a straw in my glass of water. I had to use it in order to celebrate the day. And just so you know... I couldn't eat all that spinach.

Marvin C. Stone received the patent for the paper drinking straw on January 3, 1888. But it's believed that the first drinking straws were used by the Sumerians for drinking beer (gotta love the Sumerians). And just so you know, because I didn't, Sumer was the southernmost region of ancient Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization. The oldest straw was found in a Sumerian tomb dated 3000 BC. It was a gold tube inlaid with a blue stone. I think that would be lovely, especially if you were sick and had to use a straw.

I didn't really intend to learn much on this venture, but boy, was I wrong.

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