Thursday, June 2, 2016

I Love My Dentist Day

What a coincidence! I actually haven't been to my dentist enough to know if I love him or not, but knew today would tell the tale. I was terrified that he would bump my huge bottom lip, although knew it would be hard not to. He worked in my mouth for at least a half hour and I was fortunate that it was my top tooth he was removing. But he did a great job and now I do love my dentist!

I got a temporary tooth which I'll have to wear for at least nine weeks. Tomorrow I'll make an appointment with an oral surgeon to get the root of the tooth out and then have to wait six weeks after the surgery before he can start on the bridge. That will take three more weeks. And for all that time I'm not to bite into anything so the temporary won't pop out. I'm pretty sure it's a given that it will happen at least once and that scares the crap out of me, so I hope I'll remember to be very careful.  And you're welcome that I haven't posted any photos. I look like a monster.

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