Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Take Your Pants for a Walk Day

I wish I liked scotch because this is also National Scotch Day, but alas... no can do. However, I did take my pants for a walk this morning and plan to again in an hour or so, as I do every day. Actually in this heat I wear shorts, but let's face it, they must count as pants.

Two more hours at the dentist this morning to get fitted for my permanent bridge and other stuff I don't even really ask about anymore. Four more weeks and this nightmare that began on May 29 will be over. I swear this has been the longest summer of my life with doctor and dental appointments and foreign crap in my mouth. It's hard to believe that a few falls in the middle of the night could have caused all this torture. Ah well, it will all be over soon(ish).

After the dentist, Kay and I went to the picture show, but my, how they've changed since we called them picture shows. We sat in reclining seats, ordered lunch, and watched Ghostbusters. Even though it didn't get great reviews, we loved it... perhaps just because it was an escape from the real world. No, not really... we thought it was damned funny!

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