Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

One of the many reasons I chose not to have children is that my mother was perfect in my eyes. As a child I always wanted to please her, even into high school. She never gave me a curfew because she knew I'd be home at a reasonable hour (it helped that I got sleepy as the clock approached midnight). When my friends would ask me to do something that I believed to be questionable, I would ask Mom assuming she would tell me no, but she never did. It was always, "You do what you think is right." It made me so mad because I wanted to tell my friends that she wouldn't let me. So I would lie, say that she said no, and then stay home. And when all the girls were bitching about their mothers and saying they hated them, I would chime in, too, because I didn't want to be different. But I always felt bad about it. I always loved her and still do. And I believed that's what it took to be a good mother and I knew I wasn't like her. As I said before, that was only one of the reasons, but I know better now. But I feel very blessed that she was my mother and I miss her so much!

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