Thursday, December 8, 2016

Brownie Day

I had such good intentions for today. I didn't want to make brownies or even buy a package at the grocery store because I didn't want them in my house. So my plan was to go to a bakery and buy just one. And this is what I found. It's huge! I debated for a short time, but it was past time for lunch and I was hungry, so bit the bullet and bought it.  It was a terrible mistake but I'm happy to report that I did cut it into fourths and only ate one piece after lunch. However that one piece was so good that I know it had to be at the very least 500 calories. And then after wine night, I came home and ate half of another piece. I'm still not quite down to my pre-Thanksgiving weight and I'm certain I'll be back up a bit tomorrow. But my doctor did just tell me that it's normal to gain five to seven pounds during the holidays as long as we lose it again afterwards. So I'm going with that!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know I am normal weight plus 25 holidays. Sounds better that way. Love you, sis.
