Monday, August 1, 2016

Girlfriends Day

I'm pretty sure I celebrated Friends Day not too long ago and since 90% of my friends are girls, this tribute is about the same. I've been fortunate to have very good friends all my life and the circle obviously grows as I age. I love that I'm still in touch with high school girlfriends as well as friends I've had since in my twenties. I'm very blessed!

Since it's Monday, we don't typically go out until later in the week, so I'll just propose a toast to all my girlfriends when I have my daily wine. But I did share Tai Chi class today with a very good Heritage Grand girlfriend. She was the host of our little dinner party on Saturday and at the time complained that she has no study. Well, being the helpful sort that I am, I offered a suggestion on rearranging her furniture to make a little study nook in the corner of her living room. And this morning she told me she hasn't stopped thinking about it, so of course, I had to offer to come help her try it out. I love doing that sort of thing and my house just isn't conducive to alternate arrangements, so it'll be fun.

I also went back to the YMCA to my exercise class which I hadn't been to since January. I fractured my foot in Feb. and then when that had just healed, took the big fall. I was really nervous about starting back, but I kept right up and felt great afterwards. Yee haw!

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