Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Free Thought Day

The purpose of this day is to encourage people to be free thinkers and to base opinions on facts, science, logic and reason. It occurs on the anniversary of the effective end of the Salem Witch trials on October 12, 1692 when Massachusetts Governor William Phips wrote a letter condemning the use of spectral evidence against the accused. At some point, the trials did resume and “spectral evidence” was allowed but largely discounted and those convicted were swiftly pardoned by Phips.

I learned about this today and am proud to say that, being a left brain person, I definitely feel I'm a free thinker and do use logic and reason most of the time. For example, today while tutoring Thomas, he had a new book that he really wanted to read with me. At first I thought, no way because we had too much work. But knowing his reading skills are as limited as his math ability, I chose to use it as an incentive to keep him focused on his work. And after he finished his math, I stayed a little later for the book (he wanted me to read it, but I insisted that he read it to me). We scored on both fronts. He finished his math and practiced his reading... win-win! 

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